My Truest Self
"God is always good and I am always loved" (My favorite quote from Ann Voskamp's book "One Thousand Gifts") Ann Voskamp writes that eucharisteo has made her her truest self, "full of grace". Eucharisteo has made me my truest self, "joyful spirit; song of happiness". The more I count my gifts from the Lord, the more I have to be joyful about regardless of my current circumstances. I"m grateful for the challenge to live fully right where I am. 226. Mom-in-law home safely from her trip 227. Check engine light diagnosed and fixed simply 228. More curriculum found for less 229. Hug and kiss from my girl after her night away 230. Sunday morning worship and teaching by Donald Perkins 231. First day of school went fairly well 232. Fun with Legos 233. Kids having fun together after some tempers during the day 234. Sweet card from my girl 235. “Best Mom in the Universe” from my Cuddle Bug ...