Biblical Standards vs. Christian Law
"Without even knowing it I had judged myself guilty by someone else's standard. I had condemned myself by that standard and was left feeling like a complete failure. To my family and loved ones I was doing fine, yet I was blinded to the fact by my own self-induced guilt." -"Seasons of a Mother's Heart"; Sally Clarkson; p. 162 Sometimes what people say isn't necessarily wrong, there can be wisdom in what is shared; but the question we need to ask ourselves is, "it a biblical standard?" What may be relevant to one person's situation may not be so for our own. It's very easy to allow personal preferences to overtake us to the point where we then judge others for not living according to our standards. These personal preferences can easily cause division in the body of Christ. Some examples in and around my life have had to do with school choice, mothers working outside the home, health, fitness and nutritional preferences, media and lit...