Belief Determines Behavior
The apostle Paul points out in Romans 1 that everyone knows that there is a God . His existence is revealed in creation; creation demands a Creator, and design demands a Designer. And it is revealed in conscience; we all have an innate consciousness of right and wrong. . . The heathen do not want to retain the true God in their knowledge . They know that belief in such a God would cramp their life-styles. So they turn to idolatry. They make images of people, birds, animals, and snakes and then worship them. Since each successive image represents a downward step in the scale of creation, it follows that they feel less and less responsible to live clean lives. If their god is a snake, it doesn't really matter how they live. This explains the close link between idolatry and immorality. Idols made by human beings do not make moral demands on their worshipers. . . Belief determines behavior . That is why it is important to have true views of God. The higher our thoughts of Him, th...