Our Deeds
While those who go into the lake of fire will be punished according to their deeds, this verse tells us that believers will be rewarded for the things they have done. Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us that we are saved by grace through faith. It is a gift from God; and not based on our deeds. Our deeds, however, are important. "The deeds we do show what has taken place in our hearts, that Jesus is in our lives. Believing in Jesus changes us, and our actions show that change. The way we live shows what we truly believe and if there has been a change in us." (D4Y) Warren Wiersbe writes that "obedience to God's Word is a mark of true salvation." "When we are saved, we give our lives totally to God and live the way He wants us to live by loving Him and other people, sharing the gospel, meeting people's needs, studying His Word, and growing in our faith." (D4Y) As we expect Jesus to return, Wiersbe writes, "when the church lives in expectancy of Chr...