A Life of Order
One of the workshops I attended at the retreat was about getting on God's schedule. The presenter was Connie Green, our women's ministry coordinator. She began with a list of signs that you're moving too fast or not investing your time. (We are to invest our time not just spend it.) (I loved this!) 1. Frequently feel tired or lack energy to carry you through your day. You wake up tired. You use stimulants to get you through the day. 2. Find yourself rushing and can't get a grip on your day. 3. Procrastinating 4. No time for self (exercise, Dr. appts., time to breathe deeply) 5. Disorder and confusion in your home. 6. Not using your God-given gifts to bless others or to be blessed. 7. Using your tongue to tear others down and not building them up. 8. Easily annoyed by almost everyone. 9. Not spending time in prayer and Bible study and personal devotions. 10. Lack of peace in your heart. Next Connie shared how to gain freedom from busy. While be...