A Grateful Heart

July 30, 2011

It’s been a while since I shared an update on Dennis. He has had three of his four chemotherapy treatments and is scheduled for his fourth and FINAL one next Wednesday, August 3. The following Tuesday, August 9, he will have his porta-cath removed (this is how they have administered his chemotherapy). "The light at the end of the tunnel" is getting brighter!

Dennis has done okay with treatment. The first one was especially hard on him, he felt pretty bad for 5-6 days following the infusion. The next two were a bit easier. Dennis ended up feeling okay on Thursday and Friday after infusion, but by the weekend he felt pretty crummy. His symptoms included an upset stomach, no appetite, tingling in his fingers and toes, altered taste, and sensitivity to cold both in liquids and touch. It’s very hard to get up and go in the morning of treatment knowing he is going to feel bad for the next 5 days. Although he knows this is the last one, he is still not looking forward to Wednesday morning.

We are also glad to report that Dennis has recovered from his two surgeries. The incision site is fully healed and he is regaining strength in his stomach muscles again. In between treatments he has walked, mowed the lawn and even did the Wii Fit the other day. He is still working on endurance with activities, but feels good otherwise. He will be going back to school August 22 for teacher meetings. The students will begin the following Monday, August 29. After being home for almost a year, it is going to be a big adjustment going back to work, but he is looking forward to returning.

As a family we have been enjoying the time in between treatments to do simple thing together - going to the movies, having a meal out, or finding a local activity to take part in. We’ve also enjoyed movies and games together at home.

As we draw closer to the end of Dennis’ treatment and the one year mark when we found out Dennis had cancer, we cannot be anything but GRATEFUL for the way God has chosen to work in our lives. It has been a very difficult and challenging year, but the things we have experienced and learned will never be forgotten. They have forever changed our relationship with the Lord and one another as well as how we view this life. God in His graciousness has chosen to heal Dennis of cancer. While we did seek the help of doctors and medicine, we know it was the Great Physician who allowed the treatments to work in Dennis’ body. God has proven He is trustworthy and faithful; all of our needs have been met in the past year. We have a renewed sense of where our true joy and contentment comes from - not from the things and experiences of this world, but from enjoying the company of one another and from accepting and resting in the love and promises of God. Our kids have been learning about sacrificing their own personal wants and desires for the benefit of another, having a flexible and patient attitude, and most importantly about trusting in the Lord.

Thank you so much for your support and prayers this past year. We would ask for you to continue to pray for the following:
-Dennis’ last treatment this coming week (Aug. 3-5)
-His porta-cath removal (Aug. 9)
-For the building of strength and endurance
-For a smooth transition back to work (Aug. 22)

With a grateful heart,


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