The Word Became Flesh

And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father full of grace and truth. John 1:14

Jesus, was there in the beginning. He who came to earth in the flesh existed before anything else (John 1:1). Christ is eternal God. He not only created life, but He is life. People either love the light or they love the darkness. This love controls their actions. I love the light (Christ) and desire to follow Him in all my ways in all my days.

John was sent as a witness to Christ. The Jewish nation rejected Christ. No one comes to the Father except through Christ. (John 14:6). Anyone who receives Christ will be born again and enter the family of God. Jesus is the source of all life: physical, spiritual and eternal. I desire to reflect the light of Jesus and be a witness of Him and His work in my life to this dark world.

Christ took on human form and identified with us in every way, but yet, He revealed God's glory in His person, works and words. We are blessed with Christ's unfailing love and faithfulness. It is available to all who believe. We are saved by grace, live by grace and depend on God's grace in all we do. We cannot understand God apart from knowing His Son. I will seek to know Christ better to better understand God the Father through the study of the Bible.

We have eternal life, fellowship with the Father and our joy is now complete (1 John 1:1-4). Through Christ, every believer receives absolutely everything we need for fulfillment in life.

God is eternal. All are created by God and God's Word (Christ) is intended for everyone. I am created by God and can rely on Him for daily living. God has always been and will always be. He is dependable; faithful to His promises. Christ is all we need.

"Much as our words reveal to others our hearts and minds, so Jesus Christ is God's Word to reveal His heart and mind to us." -Warren Wiersbe

How I desire to know His heart and mind better!


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