Christmas Update

As we look back on 2011, we are reminded of the many ways the Lord has blessed us this year. January began with Dennis recovering from the radiation/chemotherapy treatment he had done through the months of November and December. We were overjoyed when the results of his ultrasound showed that his tumor had not simply shrunk, but was gone!

During the month of February and the beginning of March, Dennis completed six weeks of chemotherapy. This was much less intense as it only involved two trips to UCI every-other-week instead of the five a week we previously did. Dennis tolerated the chemotherapy quite well; another of God‘s gifts. He experienced numbness in his fingers and toes, loss of appetite and fatigue; but his nausea was relieved with medication and he lost very little of his hair. We were able to enjoy a day at Legoland as a family several days before Dennis’ surgery in April.

The surgery went well and biopsies revealed no cancer! We once again were so thankful for the Lord’s intervention. Dennis’ surgeons decided that an ostomy was needed to allow the surgery site to heal. Aside from the initial disappointment, the ostomy caused many trials for Dennis. He suffered from severe skin breakdown around the ostomy site as well as many inconveniences. It was a long six weeks until it could be reversed.

Near the end of May Dennis was finally able to have the ostomy reversed. Again, the surgery went well and aside from pain, Dennis seemed to be recovering well and was released from the hospital. Two days later, however, we found ourselves in the emergency room of UCI. Dennis had a blockage which caused him to be in the hospital for nine days with an NG tube for seven of those days. This event really sapped him of his strength and it was a great relief when he could finally return home to begin recovering.

His final chemotherapy began the end of June and lasted through the beginning of August. It was the same schedule as before. It was a bit harder on him this time, but on his off weeks, Dennis felt good and we usually enjoyed a meal or two out to celebrate his appetite returning again.

Dennis returned to work the end of August and is doing well overall. He is still dealing with the side affects of chemotherapy on his feet; he experiences numbness and/or pain in his toes on and off. His system is still recovering from surgery and it may take up to a year for everything to be fully healed and working normally again. Although he is pretty fatigued by week’s end, his strength is returning gradually. Dennis has follow up appointments with all three of his doctors; which has meant once a month we get a family day as he has to take the day off of school to make the trip to UCI. So far his blood work has revealed he remains cancer free!

As for the rest of the family, Eliana finished out her 2nd grade year in Christian school in June. Joshua and Carolyn celebrated at his kindergarten graduation for having been a home schooling duo. Their year together went well and after much prayer and discussion, we felt the Lord leading us to home school both kids for this school year. Eliana has adjusted to being home and is managing to tackle her 3rd grade curriculum well. Joshua is sailing through 1st grade. The three of them have fallen into a good routine and feel that they are well-suited for the home schooling lifestyle. Both kids are very content to be at home with mom and neither desire to return to the school setting at this time. They are really enjoying the flexibility and opportunities provided by this type of school setting.

Dennis’ cancer treatment already seems so far in the past, and it was surprising to realize that we spent most of this year working through it all. But in spite of the difficulties we feel we have been blessed beyond what we could have ever asked or imagined. God was faithful to provide for all of our needs in many ways. We were blessed by the incredible support of family, friends, the community of Arrowhead Christian Academy, and even fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord we have never met. The prayers, notes of encouragement, meals, assistance around the house and financial gifts were so appreciated - we can never fully express our gratitude.

It has been a difficult journey, but one that has had a lasting impact on us. We have experienced the Lord’s refining of our faith, lived out our marriage vows, and grown closer as a family. We now have a very strong eternal perspective and find ourselves living less for this world and the things in it. We are rejoicing this Christmas for the gift of life; grateful that God chose to heal Dennis of his cancer, but most importantly for the gift of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. May you also experience God’s hope and joy in the new year through the precious sacrifice of Christ.

With Gratitude and Joy,
The Henrys


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