The Eye is a Lamp

This past week my spirit has been quite unsettled. I began the week embraced in the warmth of the Savior's love and affirmation. Then I found myself ensconced in my convictions on a mountain of pride looking down at a world who just didn't meet my standards. And the last day or so I've been stuck in the muck of negativity, only seeing the dark side of things and people. Sigh. . . why the change?

I've been reading Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts. Yesterday I shared a quote from the book on Facebook - "The eyes are bad - my perspective. "Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body', Jesus said. 'When your eye is bad, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!' (Matthew 6:22-23). If Satan can keep my eyes from the Word, my eyesight is too poor to read light - to fill with light. Bad eyes fill with darkness so heavy the soul aches because empty is never truly empty; empty is only a full, deepening darkness. Without God's Word as a lens, the world warps."

The trouble has been where my eyes have been focused. I began the week with eyes firmly planted on the Word of God - basking in His promises, counting His blessings, and focused on His hope. Gradually, I allowed the enemy to divert my eyes from truth and to see things from a worldly perspective. I have doubted by calling, coveted the things I do not have, lacked contentment in my circumstances and been discouraged that old sinful patterns have resurfaced.

At the kids' Friday school Chapel, the young man who does worship was talking to the kids about Samuel and hearing the voice of God. It made me think of my week and how my perspective was affected not only because of what I was focusing on with my eyes, but also because I was not hearing God's voice. I was listening to the enemy's whispers instead of the truth of God's Word.

After taking the kids to their classes, I drove away with the song "The Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns playing. The enemy tries to fill our minds with negative thoughts: reminding us of all the times we've failed, telling us our circumstances aren't fair, that we deserve more, that we aren't doing enough and don't measure up. But God's voice is filled with truth. He tells us not to be afraid, that trials are for a purpose - our good and His glory - and that in light of eternity they are only temporary. I needed the reminder to listen to that truthful voice.

As a sinner who has been redeemed - sins forgiven, washed clean by the sacrifice of both Father and Son; knowing that "God is good and I am loved" (Ann Voskamp) - how can I ever display an attitude of superiority over others who share equally in this inheritance; that what I have is not enough, that I am entitled to more; or that the trials I am in the midst of aren't fair?

The answer of course is I shouldn't. And as I've sough to get my eyes back on the truth, my perspective is beginning to return to the light and I am once again on the path of joy. And as I've been thinking this month about the new year and the things I want to grow in and accomplish, I have come to the conclusion that the theme of this year for me is JOY. Not temporary joy found only in the things of the world, but true, everlasting joy that comes from living in Christ. Many thoughts on this are tumbling around in my head; thoughts for another time. But in the meantime, I am recommitted to keeping my eyes on the light and hearing the voice of truth.


  1. Hi Aunt Carolyn -- I was looking for lamps in FB posts & I came across your blog post about the eyes being lamps. I found guidance & strength in your reflections. Praying that you, U. Dennis, Ellie, and Joshua have a wonderful Goede Vrijdag in celebration of the Resurrection. Grace also told me that it was Josh's birthday a couple weeks ago. Please give him a big hug & sweet kiss for me and let him know that I was thinking about him on his special day & sending positive wishes out. I love you all -- Happy Easter.
    Yours, Lindsey


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