Are You Worth Imitating?

His delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. - Psalm 1:2

I was talking with a businessman recently who is involved in a Bible study with about a half-dozen men. These guys are all "well-oiled," financially speaking. But as I listened to him describe these men, I wondered what kind of Christianity they were modeling to their children?

As parents, we need to think about the priorities we are teaching our children by our words and our actions. Ask yourself, If I could pass on my relationship with God to my kids, would they be satisfied with what they receive? If my children could never experience anything more than what I have today, would they be given enough to chart themselves successfully through life? Would they experience God? Would they know enough of Christ to long for more - a deeper and deeper fellowship with Jesus Christ?

One thing we often say in our conferences and on radio is that your children will listen to what you say, and they will do what you tell them, but they will become who you are. If your daily experience with Christ is less than you want your children to possess, they probably won't ever have it either.

Your model should be the man in Psalm 1 - the one whose "delight" is in spending time with God and His word (verse 2). The one who "meditates" on the things of God through the ins and outs of the day. The one who keeps him - or herself "firmly planted" by those "streams of water" (verse 3).

Only then will you be the model your children need to emulate.

What are those things that are distracting you right now from your relationship with Christ? How are you showing your children the reality of truly walking with Jesus Christ?

Use your prayer time to surrender your will to God's will. Ask Him to make you worthy of being imitated.

-Excerpted from Moments With You by Dennis and Barbara Rainey


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