Cardboard Testimonies

We had cardboard testimonies this morning at church during this song. It was deeply moving to see how the Lord has helped others overcome so many different things. It made me think of what my cardboard testimony would read. . . 
 Before I knew Christ I lacked self esteem. I didn't feel valued or cherished. I wanted to feel loved unconditionally. In search of these things I comprised my purity and what I knew to be right. . . 
When I surrendered my life to Christ I became a daughter of the King  (1 John 3:1) and He reveled to me that I have my name written on His hand (Isaiah 49:16), I am a divine work of art (Psalm 139:13), He cares about me (1 Peter 5:7), I am delightful (Psalm 147:11), forgiven (Psalm 130:3-4), loved (1 John 4:16), I was chosen (1 Peter 2:9), I am strong (Philippians 4:13) and beautiful (Song of Solomon 2:10), and my identity is in Him! Thank you, Jesus!

Cardboard testimonies from our church service. . .


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