Reach Out

Our biblical act of worship is not what we do on Sunday mornings in coats and ties, but our act of worship is a lifelong, seven-days-a-week process of placing ourselves upon an altar of sacrifice. Worship is living the principles of Christ in everything we do. You're worshiping god by what you do all week long.

What's the difference between a Christian who's reaching out to people, trying to help people - and a Christian who sits like a fat cat on a pew? Well, maybe the Christian who's reaching out realizes the urgency and remembers what it was like before he knew about Jesus. Maybe he realizes that when people need help, they need Jesus above all else.

When you take food to the poor, that's an act of worship. When you give a word of kindness to someone who needs it, that's an act of worship. When you write someone a letter to encourage them or sit down and open your Bible with someone to teach them, that's an act of worship.

We're in a fast-moving, fast-paced society. We need to build bridges between our hearts and those of people we see who need a friend - and allow Jesus to cross that bridge of friendship and walk into their hearts.

We know the importance of a friend. All of us need friends, don't we? Whether or not you are friendly could determine whether or not someone hears about Jesus Christ. Your handshake, your warmth, your walk, your friendliness could make the difference in someone's life.

Lift up our eyes, Father, that we might see our world as you see it. Help us respond as you respond to the hurts around us.

-Max Lucado


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