The Crisis of Values

What poses the greatest risk to not continuing in Christ? The greatest risk is the crisis of values which inexorably comes when we follow hollow and deceptive philosophy. It may not come until we have traveled for many years down the road of self-deceit, but it will come.

The crisis of values is no less than a bad case of the -ism's - materialism, relativism, humanism, hedonism, liberalism, legalism, secularism and so on. I doubt few of us ever set out to become a materialist or a relativist or whatever. It is more that without self-examination we atrophy from the Christian value system into something less. Not that we abandon the spiritual connection, but slowly, almost imperceptibly, we undo the moral knowledge to which we pledged ourselves. When once we redraw the line, there is less pressure against redrawing it, and less and less each time thereafter. . .

God wants us to make a comeback. He wants us to make a comeback more than we do. . .

How can someone start a comeback? From the belly of the great fish Jonah cried out, "When my life was ebbing away, I remembered you, Lord, and my prayer rose to you, to your holy temple. Those who cling to worthless idols (the -ism's) forfeit the grace that could be theirs" (Jonah 2:7-8). Jonah could not know it, but when he humbled himself, God initiated his comeback. When we humble ourselves and turn back, God initiates our comeback.

At the point Jonah turned back, how did God respond? Did He call for a celebration? No, He did not. Once we have been swallowed up, the first step back is merely to make it back to dry land. "And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land" (Jonah 2:10)

When we start on the comeback, we start from where we have been - in the belly of the world which swallowed us up. God spits us up onto the shore by His grace; it is an inauspicious starting point from which to make a comeback.

The comeback will be embarrassing. The odor of where we have been remains until we cleanse ourselves. The people we hurt will not trust us at first. We must still work through the human consequences of having untied the moral knot - of being taken captive by hollow and deceptive philosophy. Painful and embarrassing it may be, but He does let us come back.

Do you have a case of the -ism's? Have you been taken captive, swallowed up into the belly of the world? If you have been swallowed up, are you ready yet to humble yourself? Are you ready to start your comeback? If you are willing, He is willing.

-From Walking With Christ in the Details of Life by Patrick Morley; part of The Inspirational Study Bible: New Century Version by Max Lucado

Have you developed any habits or attitudes that stand between you and God? Are you noticing any of society's immoral values infiltrating your faith? If you have been gradually easing away from God, what can you change to head back in the right direction?


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