4 Reasons to Pray

When Nehemiah heard bad news, he prayed. After praying, he developed a plan.

Nehemiah 1 is a blend of prayer and action. . . Why is prayer so important? Here are the four shortest reasons I know.

. . . Prayer forces me to leave the situation with God; it makes me wait.

Secondly, prayer clears my vision. . . When you first face a situation, is it foggy? Prayer will "burn through". Your vision will clear so you can see through God's eyes.

Thirdly, prayer quiets my heart. I cannot worry and pray at the same time. . .

Fourthly, prayer activates my faith. After praying I am more prone to trust God. . . Prayer sets faith on fire.

Don't just fill the margins in your Bible with words and thoughts about ways a leader prays. Do it!. . . Pray! Prayer was the first major step Nehemiah took in his journey to effective leadership. . .

. . . The Lord is the Specialist we need for those uncrossable and impossible experiences. He delights in accomplishing what we cannot pull off. But He awaits our cry. He listens for our request. . .

-From Hand Me Another Brick by Charles Swindoll; part of The Inspirational Study Bible: New Century Version by Max Lucado

What was your first response to an unexpected medical bill, a car breakdown, or a layoff at work? Did you respond in anger, by worrying and complaining, or did you first go to God and ask for His help and guidance through the hardship?

I asked the Lord for help, and He answered me. He saved me from all that I feared. Those who go to Him for help are happy, and they are never disgraced. This poor man called, and the Lord heard him and saved him from all his troubles. The angel of the Lord camps around those who fear God, and he saves them. Psalm 34:4-7


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