Ephesians 1:3-14

Ephesians chapter one is a doxology which reminds us of what God has done and expresses worship to honor Him. Verse three states the theme of this book: the Christian's riches in Christ (Warren Wiersbe).

In verse 3 we see that our blessings come from the Father. Our union with Christ makes us beneficiaries of every spiritual blessing that belongs to and comes from the Father.(NIV note) Wiersbe reminds us that "we inherit the wealth by faith and invest the wealth by works. Without this balance, our spiritual riches do us no good."

Verses 4-13a tell us of the blessings we have through the Son. In verse 4 we read that He "chose us" to be holy and blameless. Being "chosen" refers to divine election - God seeks the sinner. "God chose us even before He created the universe, so that our salvation is wholly of His grace and not on the basis of anything we ourselves have done. He chose us in Christ, not in ourselves. And He chose us for a purpose: to be holy and without blame." (WW) Being holy means to be set apart. Holiness is the result - not the basis - of God's choosing. Holiness is imparted to us through Christ and through our personal sanctification. (NIV note).

In verse 5 we see that He "predestined us" to be adopted. "Predestined" means "to ordain beforehand, to predetermine." (WW) Being adopted into God's family gives us an "adult standing in the family. . . so that we might immediately begin to claim our inheritance and enjoy our spiritual wealth. (WW)

Verse 6 shows us that we have been accepted. "We cannot make ourselves acceptable to God, but He, by His grace, makes us accepted in Christ. This is our eternal position that will never change." (WW)

In verse 7a we learn that we have redemption. "To redeem means 'to purchase and set free by paying a price'." (WW) The ransom necessary to free sinners from the bondage of sin was Christ's death on the cross. (NIV note) He paid with His own blood. Verse 7b reveals that we are forgiven. Our sins have been carried away by Christ's sacrifice on the cross.

Verse 9 shows that the mystery of God's will has been made known to us. Mystery means a "sacred secret, once hidden but now revealed to God's people." (WW) This secret is that "God will one day unite everything in Christ. . . Sin is tearing everything apart, but in Christ, God will gather everything together in the culmination of the ages." (WW)

Again in verse 11 we read that "we were chosen" and "predestined" according to His plan. And in verse 12 we see that we are for the praise of His glory. "In Christ we have a wonderful inheritance and in Christ we are an inheritance. . . God the Son is the Father's love gift to us; and we are the Father's love gift to His Son." (WW) It is only in relationship with Christ that there is a meaningful future destiny. (NIV note)

The Holy Spirit also brings us blessings. We see in verse 13 that we are marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit. Being sealed by the Holy Spirit is significant because "it speaks of a finished transaction. . . it implies ownership: God has put His seal on us because He has purchased us to be His own. It also means security and protection. . . Another use for the seal is as a mark of authenticity. . . The presence of the Spirit proves the believer is genuine." (WW)

Finally, in verse 14 we see that the Holy Spirit is a guarantee of our inheritance. 'The Holy Spirit is God's first installment to guarantee to His children that He will finish His work and eventually bring them to glory." (WW) The redemption to come is "of the body at the return of Christ. . . Redemption is experienced in three stages: 1) We have been redeemed through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:7). 2) We are being redeemed as the Spirit works in our lives to make us more like Christ (Romans 8:1-4). 3) We shall be redeemed when Christ returns and we become like Him." (WW)

In conclusion, we see from these verses that:

1) "True riches come from God. . .  In Christ, you and I have 'what money can't buy', and these spiritual riches open up to us all the wealth of God's vast creation. We enjoy the gifts because we know and love the Giver." (WW)

2) "All these riches come by God's grace and for God's glory. . .Why has God the Father chosen us, adopted us, and accepted us? 'To the praise of the glory of His grace' (Ephesians 1:6). Why has the Son redeemed us, forgiven us, revealed God's will to us and made us part of God's inheritance? 'That we should be to the praise of His glory' (Ephesians 1:12). Why has God the Spirit, sealed us and become the guarantee of our future blessings? 'Unto the praise of His glory' (Ephesians 1:14). . . God's main purpose is that He might be glorified. His creation reveals His wisdom and power, but His church reveals His love and grace." (WW)

3) These riches are only the beginning. . . As we search the Word of God, we discover more and more of the riches we have in Christ. These riches were planned by the Father, purchased by the Son, and presented by the Spirit. There is really no need for us to live in poverty when all of God's wealth is at our disposal!" (WW)



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