Everything is Different

876. Early school day

877. Chance to rest and relax in the afternoon

878. Friday night pizza and a movie

879. Nice end to the volleyball season

880. Spending time with my girl out and about

881. Chicken noodle soup – yum!

882. Family time

883. Time with my son

884. Good rehearsal

885. Help with the play

886. Family time

887. Cats to snuggle with in bed

888. Good school day

889. Mom and Dad’s willingness to help

890. Husband of Christlike character

891. God’s faithfulness

892. Time with hubby

893. Time with Mom and Dad

894. Talk with Grama

895. Safety to and from Mom and Dad’s

896. Found contractor

897. Dinner at Chili’s

898. Got to sleep in

899. No school/ Hubby home

900. Found tile we like


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