It's Okay if You're not Okay

Glory Days
Joshua 2

God makes music out of riffraff. Joshua sent two spies to view the land, especially Jericho (Joshua 2:1). The spies entered the city and met Rahab the harlot. Rahab's profession is not kept a secret from us. It is mentioned five out of eight times she appears in Scripture.

Rahab hid the spies and the king sent soldiers to get them. She lied and told the soldiers they had just missed them. Rahab believed God had given the Hebrews their land. The people of Jericho had heard what God had done and were scared. She confessed belief in God (Joshua 2:9-11)

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The Promised Land is not for a chosen few. We've all sinned and fallen short of God's glory. God does have
a place for the Rahab's of the world. Like Rahab, we can all experience God's grace. Our stories become "I was. . . but now. . ."

Rahab tied a scarlet cord in her window just as the spies told her to. She gathered her family and they waited. Because of Rahab's faith, she and her family were spared when the walls of Jericho fell.

We don't drop scarlet cords from our window, but we trust the crimson thread of Christ's blood. We don't prepare for the coming of the Hebrews, but we do live with an eye toward the second coming of our Joshua - Jesus Christ.

-From Glory Days by Max Lucado, Chapter 4


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