No Place Like Home

"My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?" -John 14:2

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The home is really God's idea, a wonderful structure that Satan has worked hard at destroying. The evils and perversions of a sinful society have eradicated God's perfect plan of one man and one woman marrying and living together under His authority with their children. Refusing to believe the mandates in God's Word, the world conjures up theories and philosophies (based on human reasoning) and side-steps the issue by counterattacking with offensive statements directed toward "intolerant" Christians.

Thank God no human can redefine the home in heaven God has prepared for those who love Him. Next to salvation, Jesus' promise to prepare a place for us to live with Him in eternity has to be the greatest hope for every Christian (see John 14:3). Each night as we lay our heads on our pillows, we can have the peace of knowing that tomorrow brings no fear - we either spend it walking with Him on earth or walking with Him in heaven. Life is simplified when we remember that heaven is our true home.

Have you forgotten your home in heaven? The challenges of life have a way of pulling your eyes off the One who is preparing a mansion just for you. Don't let the cares of deadlines, chores and endless tasks make you forget Who is waiting for you at home!

Taken from Homeschool Mom's Bible; devotions by Janet Tatman; p. 402


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