Internal Rebellion

When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a man (or woman) of understanding and knowledge maintains order. -Proverbs 28:2

As we watch world events in the news, it's easy to see how unstable a country becomes when there is rebellion against the loving, righteous ways of God. There are wars and factions because there's no true moral, ethical, or spiritual base. There is chaos. The country and the people of that country get torn apart. It's important to know that this is true not only within a nation, but within our own personal lives and within our homes.

We as women have a great position of influence for good or for bad. We are keepers of the home. It's been said, "As goes the woman, so goes the home; as goes the home, so goes the nation." Maybe you've been living with split priorities and a divided heart. Maybe you have been wondering why your world and your home and your inner life is filled with chaos and rebellion.

So, may I say to you, there is no greater decision that you can make for your life than to decide to order each day starting with time in God's Word and with prayer. It will change the tone of your entire day to begin visualizing God on the throne. He alone is the true and best ruler, not just in heaven, but here on earth over you, in your heart, and over your day.

Will you stop right now and ask Him to take His rightful place in your life and bring order?

Live it Out!
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We may think we've surrendered and yet still have a stubborn streak of rebellion. We can be deeply immersed in Christian service, Bible study and prayer meetings, and yet a corner of our hearts is very far away. How can that be? Unfortunately, we cubicle our lives. Some parts belong to God; some parts are entirely ours. We hold the reins. It can be very subtle. Let me name one classic culprit: bitterness. Frankly, harboring unforgiveness is in direct violation of a very core issue with God. He is dead set against it. Today, right now, will you open the access to your heart and let Him rein that in and put it to death? He is waiting to help.

-The One Year Wisdom for Women Devotional; by Debbi Bryson; November 19; p. 338

I am aware of when my attitude toward others and the Lord is not right. I become short-tempered, irritated, withdrawn and melancholy. I appreciate this reminder to remove anything from my heart and mind that is not honoring to God. Only then, can I be in right fellowship with the Lord and adequately care for my family.


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