Mrs. Clean

"I can do all this through him who gives me strength." -Philippians 4:13

Inside the house, the kitchen sink was full of dishes, and the laundry baskets were piled high with dirty clothes. The floors were full of crumbs, and the windows had enough fingerprints to fill the files of the FBI. Outside, the lawn looked like a herd of horses needed to chew it down, and the children's toys were scattered from one end of the farm to the other. Company was scheduled to arrive for supper, and the meal was not yet prepared. I laughed to myself, wondering which of these tasks I would actually accomplish in addition to our homeschooling day.

Just thinking about all the work made me tired and unable to even know where to start. Looking to God, I felt him gently urge me to begin. I did and somehow a miracle began. The day became supernatural, and I felt like angels were working with me to get every job accomplished. There were no interruptions, no accidents, no fights, nothing was lost and nothing broke. I flew from one chore to the next while keeping an enthusiastic smile and teaching my children their lessons. I couldn't believe the amount of work I accomplished that day, and I've never had another day quite like it.

Sometimes the numerous issues in our spiritual walk also seem daunting. We wonder how a family member will ever be saved, why we keep falling into the same old sins and if we can ever forgive our mother-in-law's thoughtless remarks. Temptations and trials attempt to render us impotent. We become discouraged and give up in despair before we ever begin to live for the Lord.

You don't need to live under the weight of sin and pain. God sent His Son, Jesus, to deliver you from a defeated life. Jesus arose and left an empty grave, showing that God saves you with the same mighty power that raised Jesus from the dead (see Ephesians 1:18-20). All your burdens can be lifted by the miracle of His grace. Is life too heavy to bear right now? Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).

💮Father, some days I wonder if I can take one more problem. Thank you for giving me the strength to bear the weight of my discouraging difficulties. Help me begin to fight the spiritual battles around me in the power of your name. In Jesus' name, amen.

-Taken from Homeschool Mom's Bible; devotions by Janet Tatman; p. 1130

The struggle is real. It is easy to become discouraged over the same sins - sins I've struggled with since the day I gave my heart to Christ. I loved this reminder to not live a defeated life. With the same power that rose Jesus from the dead, I can find rest.


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