Do we know Him? Do we know that God of Jesus Christ? Maybe we think that there are other things more important in the Christian walk than knowing God - like loving God, praising Him, thanking Him, keeping the commandments, living a good life. There are many things that make up a truly Christian life, but all of them are rooted in authentic knowledge of God. Perhaps we think that because we are Christians and read the Bible and know a great deal about God, that therefore we know God. Nothing could be further from the truth. It does us little good to memorize chapter and verse, to master the language of the Bible, if we have nothing to share in that language, no experiential knowledge of God in our lives. Maybe that doesn't happen because we pray so little, so infrequently, and so poorly. For everything else we have plenty of leisure time. Visits, get-togethers, movies, the Olympics, concerts, and evening with friends, an invitation we can't decline - and these things are goo...