
Showing posts from August, 2018

I am a Follower

"Follower" is more than something you do or don't do; it's who you are. Our behavior is determined by our identity. When we understand who we are, then we will know what to do. . . But if our behavior change isn't flowing from our core identity, it doesn't last. . .When you understand that your identity is not about being a fan and instead embrace who you are as a follower, your life will gain incredible clarity and direction. When Jesus came He wasn't focused on behavior modification, He was focused on giving the disciples a whole new identity. When our identity is wrapped up in who we were then we will start to live out of that identity because identity determines behavior. If we believe who we are is what we were, then we find ourselves living the way we once did. Instead of moving forward as a follower of Christ, we find ourselves held captive by our past. . . We have been made new in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). He gives us a new identi...

No Reserves. No Retreats. No Regrets.

It's not that following Jesus wasn't important to this man, but following Jesus wasn't his top priority. . . Many fans say to Jesus, "I will follow. Anything and everything I have, I give to you." But Jesus points to what you're hiding behind your back and says, "What about that?". . . They are willing to follow Jesus, but the relationship isn't exclusive. . . Jesus doesn't want followers who have a divided affection or a split allegiance . . . When you accept the invitation to follow Jesus, you are not just saying that He is a top priority in your life; you are making Him the only priority in your life. . . Jesus loves you so much. He died to have a relationship with you. He will not share your heart with anyone. . . The reason Jesus is so adamant about followers surrendering everything is because the reality is this: the one thing we are most reluctant to give up is the one thing that has the most potential to become a substitute for ...

Godliness with Contentment

But godliness with contentment is great gain. -1 Timothy 6:6 When we live and act without contentment, we are trying to fill needs in our lives. It might be the need to be "somebody," the need to feel secure or cared for, or the need to have excitement and newness in our lives. Most people try to fulfill these needs with material things, but they can only really be met by a spiritual relationship with the God who made us.  -David Guzik, commentary on 1 Timothy 6

Today is the Day

Fans feel OK about a half-hearted relationship with Jesus because they have every intention of one day going all-in and being completely committed. . . They let themselves off the hook for a lukewarm faith because they didn't tell Jesus no; they're just waiting till later. . . It says in Matthew chapter 4 verse 20, "At once" and in verse 22, it says "immediately." That's the commitment that Jesus was looking for in His followers. When fans are asked about when they will get serious about their commitment to follow Jesus, the most common answer is tomorrow. . .  When Jesus calls us to follow, He means right now.  For the fans who are always telling Jesus tomorrow, I've discovered that most often tomorrow only becomes today when tragedy strikes and dreams are shattered. . . There are natural consequences that come when we refuse to follow Jesus and instead go our own way. The truth is the longer you put Him off, the more likely it is that fo...


Losses come in many forms. All losses touch us deeply. But sitting in his prison cell, Paul took inventory of all his earthly losses and insisted they didn't compare to the gain of knowing Jesus, walking with Him through life, and possessing the hope of heaven. Bring your losses to Him and lay them at His feet. Let him heal your bruised heart with the profit, gain, and unquenchable hope of a relationship with God's Son who loves you.  -From "A Spectacle of Glory" by Joni Eareckson Tada

Out of your Comfort Zone

It's much easier to speak about following Jesus when you are making a general statement without any specific commitments. But the most obvious and basic definition of following Jesus will mean making some significant life changes. Following Jesus literally means that you go where Jesus goes. . . We  may be quick to say to Jesus, "I will follow You wherever. . ." But let's move it from the general to the more specific. Where is the one place you find it most difficult to follow Jesus? If you said to Jesus "Wherever," where do you think is the one place He would point and say, "What about there?" One of the reasons we don't follow Jesus wherever is that when He says there we take that more as a suggestion than as a command. . .  Jesus wants followers who will say yes to Him before they even know the request. A follower of Jesus says, "My answer is yes, now where did you want me to go?" Jesus speaks of following Him as a jo...

Who are your Friends?

What kind of people do you hang around with? Show me your friends and I will show you your future. Pay attention to what kind of people you're spending time with.  -Greg Laurie, Harvest Daily Devotion for 7/21/28

God's Plans

God uses problems to help you sense your weakness and His strength and to bring discipline into your life. How you react to problems and difficulties shows clearly the kind of stuff that's within you.  -Dr. Harold J. Sala


We are living branches connected to the living Christ. His life is our life. Abiding is living in constant awareness of total dependence on Jesus. . . Lord, I don't want to deal with life in my own wisdom or power. I want people to see Your life and strength in me at every turn.  -"A Spectacle of Glory", Joni Eareckson Tada

Dying Daily

If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. (Luke 9:23) The slogan for followers of Christ could accurately be captured this way: Come and Die The symbol for followers of Christ. . . is a cross. . .The cross was a symbol of humiliation. . . The one who had everything, made Himself nothing. . . If we are going to follow Him it means humbly taking up a cross and making ourselves nothing. The cross was a symbol of suffering. Taking up your cross and following Jesus can and will bring pain and suffering. You can't carry a cross without suffering. . . When people say yes to following Jesus, they are agreeing to carry a cross, and that will be painful at times. . . Here's a question: Am I really carrying a cross if there is no suffering and sacrifice? . . If there is no sacrifice involved, if you're not at least a little uncomfortable, then there is a good chance that you aren't carrying a cross. The cross w...

Every Believer has a Story

Every believer has a story. We have all experienced rescue on a grand scale. God has saved us from a lifetime of futility and given us purpose, a destiny, and a reason to get up in the morning.  -from "A Spectacle of Glory" by Joni Eareckson Tada

Total Surrender

A fan will try and accept the invitation of Christ to follow, but they don't want to say no to themselves. In Luke 9:23 Jesus makes it clear that if we are going to follow Him, a casual no-strings-attached arrangement isn't a possibility:  If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself . . . A follower makes a decision every day to deny himself and choose Jesus. . . even if it costs everything. When we sacrificially deny ourselves for Christ's sake it is the clearest evidence of our committed love. A committed love is best demonstrated through sacrifice. One way fans try to follow Jesus without denying themselves is by compartmentalizing the areas of their lives they don't want Him to have access to. . . Following Jesus requires a complete and total commitment. The Bible would describe a follower as a "slave." . . A slave has no rights. A slave has no possessions to call their own. A slave in Jesus' day didn't even have a personal i...

Passionately Pursuing God

When Jesus says "Come after," He's describing a passionate pursuit of someone you love. It's a pursuit that can easily consume our thoughts, our resources, and our energy. That's what Jesus is looking for from a follower when he says "Come after." Followers should have some come after Jesus stories that make people say, That's crazy . Many fans didn't grow up thinking about their relationship with Jesus in these terms. . .  Jesus wants us to  understand that following Him is a pursuit that requires everything we have. . . Fans will be careful  not to get carried away. Followers understand that following Jesus is a pursuit that may cost them everything, but it is the best investment they could ever make. There is a fear among fans that by going all-in, they're going to miss out. Fans want to have just enough of the pleasure without having to risk feeling any pain. . . Instead of come after we hold back. It's not that we don't ...

Anyone Means Anyone

John 3:16 emphasizes believing. Luke 9:23 focuses on following.  There is no believing without following. Jesus' invitation to follow is addressed to Anyone. . . Anyone can follow but not without giving up everything. . . The grace of God doesn't simply invite us to follow. . . it teaches us to follow . . . Even after we decide to follow Jesus, we continue to need His grace for the journey. . .  The invitation of Jesus to follow Him begins, "If anyone. . ." It turns out that Anyone means Anyone. Anyone means me. Anyone means you.  -From "Not a Fan" by Kyle Idleman