I am a Follower
"Follower" is more than something you do or don't do; it's who you are. Our behavior is determined by our identity. When we understand who we are, then we will know what to do. . . But if our behavior change isn't flowing from our core identity, it doesn't last. . .When you understand that your identity is not about being a fan and instead embrace who you are as a follower, your life will gain incredible clarity and direction. When Jesus came He wasn't focused on behavior modification, He was focused on giving the disciples a whole new identity. When our identity is wrapped up in who we were then we will start to live out of that identity because identity determines behavior. If we believe who we are is what we were, then we find ourselves living the way we once did. Instead of moving forward as a follower of Christ, we find ourselves held captive by our past. . . We have been made new in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). He gives us a new identi...