He Knows my Name

I heard this song on the radio a few weeks ago. Two things came to mind. The first was just the beautiful reminder that God is aware of me. He is El Roi - the God who sees me. There are times when I feel like I just exist. I'm not doing anything important; nothing to be noticed by anyone. I don't think it is just me, but I know that in my lifetime I have struggled with wanting to be noticed; to be recognized for doing something special. This desire has led me to wrong behavior in a variety of ways. As I'm growing in my walk with the Lord, I am learning not to dwell on these feelings of anonymity for long because I recognize them as lies from the enemy. I focus on the fact that I am fulfilling God's calling for me - here in my own home with my husband and children, as well as with my extended family and friends. The ways I've served at church may not always be seen, but I am doing my part in the ways God has led. As Francesca's song reminds, I am chosen, wanted, a daughter of the King, His forever, held in treasure, . . .I am loved.

The second thing that came to mind when listening to this song was social media. Sometimes this desire to be "seen" reveals itself in an unhealthy way on social media sites. People post things for the express purpose of being noticed; to get "likes" and positive comments. I've struggled with this myself at times. I try my best to stop and think about the reason for what I am about to post. I have actually changed my mind and even gone back and deleted something I've posted because it was too self-serving. We don't need to look to people in our circle of influence to "notice" us and give us accolades. God, our Creator, is El Roi. We are His treasure and that should be enough.

As I continue to grow in this area, I hope I can teach my daughter to find her identity in Christ; to find her self-esteem in being a daughter of the King. I pray she will not give in to pride by being self-seeking in her speech or actions. Maybe together we will keep each other accountable. . . 


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