Are You an Overcomer?

My kids and I are in the midst of studying the book of Revelation. We just finished going through the letters to the seven churches. Kay Arthur reminds us that these messages were not just for the ancient churches, but they are also for the church today.

Each church was given a promise to the one who overcomes. Today we looked at what it means to be an overcomer. 1 John 5:4 tells us that whatever is "born of God overcomes the world".The NIV Study Bible says that "to overcome the world is to gain victory over its sinful pattern of life, which is another way of describing obedience to God. Such obedience is not impossible for the believer because he has been born again and the Holy Spirit dwells within him and gives him strength." What is the victory that has overcome the world? This verse says it is our faith. There are two aspects to this victory according to the NIV Study Bible. First is our initial victory of turning in faith to God and then our daily victory of Christian living.

1 John 5:5 asks "who is it that overcomes the world?" The answer follows in this verse - "Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God." These verses tell us that every believer (one who has accepted Jesus as his Savior) is an overcomer.

Next we looked at 1 John 3:7-10. Verse 7 says that if we do what is right we are righteous. While verse 8 says that the one "who does what is sinful is of the devil." Verse 9 reminds us that if we are born of God we will not continue to sin. This does not mean that we will never sin, but that our lives will not be characterized by sinful living (NIV Study Bible). Verse 10 reveals that a child of God is anyone who does what is right and who loves his brother.

Titus 1:16 tells us how to know if someone is not a child of God. This verse says that while this person may profess to know God, their actions will actually deny Him.

Ephesians 2:8 says we are saved by our faith in Christ. But how we live shows what we really believe. While followers of Jesus will still sin, we will not continue doing the same sin over and over without repentance. "If we are genuine believers in Jesus Christ, then there should be a change in us. The things we do should show we believe in Him." (D4Y p. 90)

"Jesus has overcome this world, and when we accept Him we are born of God and become overcomers. We receive His power to overcome anything big or small. . .Jesus gives us the power to overcome hurt, suffering, and hardships, as well as the giving up of our lives if we should be called to stand for Him. Those who truly belong to Jesus are overcomers. They overcome the world because of their faith!" (D4Y p. 90)

In Revelation 22:12 Jesus said He is coming soon and bringing His reward with Him.

In His letters to the churches, Jesus revealed what these rewards will be. We will eat of the tree of life (Revelation 2:7). We will not be hurt by the second death (Revelation 2:11). He will give us manna, a white stone and a new name (Revelation 2:17). He will give us authority over the nations and the Morning Star (Revelation 2:26-28). We will be clothed in white garments and our name will not be erased from the book of life (Revelation 3:5). He will make us a pillar in the temple; we will be given the name of our God, the name of the new Jerusalem and His new name (Revelation 3:12). And we will sit with Jesus on His throne (Revelation 3:21).

I love the reminder that I am an overcomer of all things. Because of my faith in Christ I have received the Holy Spirit who will convict me of sin and help me turn away from sinful living; give me strength when I am weak; give me guidance when I feel lost; help me forgive those who have hurt me; remind me of who I am in Christ when the enemy tries to get me to believe his lies; and most importantly gives me hope for the future.

-Quotes taken from Bible Prophecy for Kids by Kay Arthur and Janna Arndt


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