A Pure and Holy Passion

Whoever pursues righteousness and unfailing love will find life, righteousness, and honor. -Proverbs 21:21

What motivates you? What gives you the motivation to get out of bed, get dressed, and start your day? Do
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you have a high and noble passion and purpose for living? If you were to die tomorrow or even next year, would you say, "I made the right choices"? Of all the things that we can desire and pursue in this life, there is nothing like the pursuit of God. Jesus said, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all else will be added to you" (Matthew 6:33, paraphrase).

Mary Barrett, a worship leader, had a bucket list. Just weeks before she passed away, her husband drove her to Nashville to record just one more worship CD. She often sang the song below. To her, the words were her anthem.

Give me one pure and holy passion.
Give me one magnificent obsession.
Give me one glorious ambition for my life,
to know and follow hard after you,
to grow as your disciple in your truth.
This world is empty, pale, and poor
compared to knowing you, my Lord.
Lead me on, and I will run after you.
-Mark Altrogge in "Pure and Holy Passion"

As Paul the apostle said, "I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:14, NKJV).

Live It Out!
How can you personally and passionately pursue God? It can't be done out of duty or mere religious zeal. Trying harder, in the form of legalism and sacrificial diligence, is not the answer either. "Give me one pure and holy passion" -these words are more than a song to sing ; they are a prayer to pray. It is God alone who is the spark that ignites life. Will you take these words and from your heart ask him to give you a hunger to "follow hard after him"?

-The One Year Wisdom for Women Devotional; by Debbi Bryson; August 19; p. 242

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It's very easy to live life for yourself; to only think of your own needs and desires. But when this is the focus of your life, I find it leads to entitlement, envy and bitterness. Soon your relationships with others are spoiled because all you can see is what they have and you don't. You have no joy for others when they receive a blessing and you are not willing to share what you have. This is an ugly way to live.

Christ was the perfect example of how we are to live. He came to do the will of God. He put the needs of others above His own; to the point of death. We were created to honor and glorify God. We do this through obedience to His will. More and more I find that living for the Lord, while not always easier, is better. Fulfilling my daily duties unto Him gives me purpose and helps me to continue in them with joy and perseverance rather than grumbling and complaining.

I know I desire to have this holy passion in life - to see everything through the filter of God's Word and will and to do all for His glory. Lead me on, Lord. I want to run after You.


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