Passionately Pursuing God

When Jesus says "Come after," He's describing a passionate pursuit of someone you love. It's a pursuit that can easily consume our thoughts, our resources, and our energy. That's what Jesus is looking for from a follower when he says "Come after."

Followers should have some come after Jesus stories that make people say, That's crazy. Many fans didn't grow up thinking about their relationship with Jesus in these terms. . . Jesus wants us to understand that following Him is a pursuit that requires everything we have. . . Fans will be careful not to get carried away. Followers understand that following Jesus is a pursuit that may cost them everything, but it is the best investment they could ever make.

There is a fear among fans that by going all-in, they're going to miss out. Fans want to have just enough of the pleasure without having to risk feeling any pain. . . Instead of come after we hold back. It's not that we don't want a relationship with Jesus; we do. We just don't want it to cost us very much.

One of the reasons some fans don't come after Jesus is that they've never been given the opportunity to make their own choice about Him. . . These fans never had a chance to pursue because they were always being pushed. . . . Pursuing Jesus is your choice. . . He will settle for nothing less than to be the great love and pursuit of your life. . . God. . . wants you. He wants your love. He longs for you to passionately pursue Him. . . One of the greatest motivations of our love and passionate pursuit of Jesus is a better understanding of how great His love is for us (1 John 4:19).

So what do you do if you find yourself in a place where you want to passionately pursue Jesus but your heart's not in it? Notice what Jesus tells the church in Ephesus. He says to repent and do the things you did at first. . . Recommit your love to God and then passionately pursue Him (Psalm 63:8).

-From "Not a Fan" by Kyle Idleman


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