Shared Joy

Jesus said, "'Love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." -Matthew 22:37-40

Loving God and loving people. In her book "Dancing with my Father", Sally Clarkson writes, "Joy is connected to relationship." (p. 126) 1 John 4:16 tells us "God is love." Sally goes on to say that "friendships and family relationships can be the places we most feel God's love as we experience it at the hands of human beings." (p. 126)

"Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief." -Swedish Proverb

As Sally wrote about her special friend, Gwen, whom she met in Poland as a missionary; I was reminded of the special friends I have had over the years and how each one has brought special joy to my life and has shown me God's love in the process. We have shared in one another's celebrations. We have supported, encouraged and prayed for one another through various trials. Although there have been tears shed together, mostly we have had wonderful times of laughter and silliness as we have simply enjoyed life together.

In John 15:9-13, Jesus wrote, "Just as the Father has loved me, I have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."

Jesus gave us the "secret" to joy - relationships. If we obey Jesus and love one another, "our joy is made full." (p. 134) Jesus was the ultimate example of personal sacrifice for others. He gave up His place in heaven, came to earth as a humble human, served others His entire life here on earth, and then finally suffered and died on the cross for our sins. Laying down our lives for others "is the key to real friendship and love, and ultimately, the fullness of joy." (p. 135) We are to love others in this way, regardless of how they respond to us.

"Friendships and other close relationships provide opportunities for people to feel the love of God through words and touch, given by real people who are prompted by His Spirit." (p. 137) When we follow Christ's model of servant-love, intimacy will develop, and our joy will be made full. As my friends and I have had opportunity to serve one another tangibly, our bond as sisters in Christ grew. When my husband was going through cancer treatment, we grew closer as I walked with him through those difficult days. Our children too are learning how relationships grow through serving one another.

This habit of laying down our life for others means that we are called to show humility and seek forgiveness when we have failed to show love as we should. (Romans 12:18) We cannot control how others behave or respond to us, but we have the duty to love as Christ first loved us (Ephesians 5:2). "We are called to initiate friendship, love, forgiveness, and trust. It is the way to joy." (p. 139)

My favorite part of this chapter in Sally Clarkson's books was her friend's response to how she was handling caring for her ailing mother 24/7. She said, "I feel like all of us choose whether to look at life from the glass is half full or half-empty perspective. I have made a concerted effort over the years to look at my life in light of all that God has provided for me. I have determined to find joy and to cultivate contentment so that I an have the strength and courage to face every day. . . When I look for joy, I find it everywhere and see God's hand in my life in very intimate ways. . .If I allow my mind to begin going toward dark thoughts, though, ti becomes a downward spiral. And I know that a joyful heart will serve me much better and make my life more pleasant." (p. 140)

-Quotes taken from "Dancing with my Father" by Sally Clarkson

Oh how I desire to have this mindset in my own life. Here is my continual effort to do just that. . .counting my blessings to 1,00 and beyond.

576. Date #2 in one week!

577. Churches that provide safe, fun and learning activities and clubs for kids

578. My brother!

579. Cooler weather and working outside in the yard.

580. Movie and snack with my kiddos

581. Seeing my son accomplish a task he thought he couldn't do

582. A "thank you for everything today" from my sick girl

583. Ellie was able to play in her final volleyball game

584. Family by a warm fire in the family room all day. . . Cozy!

585. Time to catch up on things around the house

586. A little nap

587. Playing a game with my son that he made

588. Serving at church

589. Money to pick up dinner on the way home from play practice

590. Acts of kindness from my hubby

591. Love from my son

592. Christmas play success!

593. Being able to serve Christmas Eve

594. Wonderful Christmas Day with family

595. Wonderful weather in December

596. Nice time with family in Apple Valley

597.Fireman/Paramedics/Doctors and Nurses; for Jakob's safety

598. Stephen and family were kept safe when tire blew on freeway

599. Jakob feeling better

600. A Nap!


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