No Joy Apart From God

701. No migraine

702. Completed some of our school subjects; a needed break

703. Found the golf course and on time

704. Nap

705. Ice cream!

706. Another nap!

707. Red Robin for dinner

708. Hubby who pays the bills

709. Paycheck to pay bills

710. Cute kitten in the yard

711. Fast appointment

712. Pizza and movie with kids

713. Talked with Dennis

714. Towel provided and good weather so no jacket needed for Dennis

715. Time alone in the evening

716. Fun day with the kids - movie and the mall

717. Talked with Dennis

718. Time alone in evening

719. Stomach pain passed

720. Comfy bed and cooler weather

721. Good day at Friday school

722. My girl's glasses didn't break and she wasn't hurt badly by soccer ball to face

723. Dennis home safe

724. Good practice/fun team

725. Friends


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