Longing for the Risen One

My hubby and I went to see the movie Risen. We both thought it was good. My husband liked the "crime scene investigative" part of the beginning of the movie as the Roman centurion, Clavius, seeks to find out what happened to the body of Yeshua. I did find this part enjoyable as well since I like mystery and CSI-type TV shows and movies.

But what really drew me in was that Clavius' search was more than just finding Yeshua's body. It was about finding Yeshua the Savior. Mary Magdalene tells Clavius he is searching for the wrong thing. And the more people Clavius speaks with, the more he begins to wonder if indeed he is searching for the right thing. He begins to be drawn to this man they call the Messiah.

Clavius' first encounter with Yeshua in the upper room leaves him in awe. He can't help but follow the disciples in search of what it is that draws so many to this man. When Clavius has the chance to speak with Yeshua on-on-one, he doesn't know what to ask. Yeshua speaks what is in Clavius' heart about wanting peace. 

How many people through the ages have sought this same thing - peace? Sadly, people look for it in all the wrong places. They think finances, material possessions, experiences, relationships, education, religion, diet and exercise, self-help, meditation etc. will bring them the peace they desire. But the only way to experience true and lasting peace is in a personal relationship with Yeshua - Jesus, the Son of God. 

And yes, as Clavius found out, in what may seem the opposite of peace - it requires death. The punishment for sin is death (Romans 6:23). Jesus chose to go to the cross to die for the sins of the world (Romans 5:8) so that we could have peace with God (Romans 5:1). And we must be willing to die to ourselves in order to receive this most precious gift (John 11:25; Ephesians 2:8). When we chose to submit ourselves to the headship of Christ in our lives, we will have the kind of true peace that is everlasting (John 14:27; 16:33). 

On the topic of peace, I realized that often my longing for heaven is to escape the chaos of this world. I grow weary of the struggles, the heartaches, the discomfort. And while we are promised an eternity with no more pain or sorrow, what has been lacking is a longing to be with Jesus face-to-face. In the movie there was the scene where the disciples were out fishing all night and didn't catch anything. In the morning, a man on the shore tells Simon to cast the net on the right side of the boat. He awakens the others and they do it, catching so many fish that the boat begins to tip. They realize the man on the shore is Yeshua. They begin to jump out of the boat and run to shore shouting, "Yeshua! Yeshua!" At this point, I was overcome with emotion. My heart and mind were instantly opened to the desire for more than peace from difficulties; and I was suddenly filled with a longing for Jesus - to run to him like a child, calling His name, into His embrace. How have I missed that all these years I've walked with the Lord?

As Clavius finds out in the movie, after a personal encounter with Yeshua - Jesus, the Messiah - you will never be the same again. You will be forever changed. I know I am not what I once was. And thankfully, the Lord continues to work in my life to make me more like Him everyday. And now I am longing for Jesus like never before.


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