Trusting in His Plan

June 8, 2011

After nine days in the hospital, Dennis was released yesterday afternoon. He is still sore and about seven pounds lighter, but so glad to be home and doing okay. It is much easier for me to have my family all in one place! We are taking it much slower with the “regular diet” instructions and keeping things light and simple. We had to reschedule all of his appointments for this week, so next week in between end of the year activities we will be visiting UCI for follow up appointments.

Dennis still has two months of chemotherapy ahead of him. Our oncologist was gracious enough to fit us in next week instead of waiting for the two-week appointment we had scheduled this morning. I had hoped he would call and do that since we are a bit anxious to get started on the last part of treatment. The later we start, the later into the next school year it will continue. But I keep reminding myself there is a purpose for everything and God knows what He is doing.

I read some great things the other night by Charles Swindoll in his book “Bedside Blessings” that I have to share because they were so encouraging to me.

“God will be all in all. God will have His way. What seems frustrating and wrong and unfair is not the end of the story. It’s just the end of a chapter. The book He is writing has many, many chapters. Augustine was correct, absolutely right when we said, ‘We count on God’s mercy for our past mistakes; we count on God’s love for our present needs; but we count on God’s sovereignty for the future.’”

“God hears our cry. He lifts us up out of a horrible pit; He places our feet upon a rock and establishes our going. He proves Himself strong in our weakness; He sheds light in our darkness; He becomes hope in our uncertainty and security in our confusion. He is the Centerpiece of our lives.”

“One of the great themes of Christianity is triumphant hope. Not just hope as in a distant, vague dream, but triumphant hope, the kind of hope where all things end right. In the midst of the struggles and the storms and the sufferings of life, we can advance our thoughts beyond today and see relief. . . triumph. . . victory. Because, in the end, God does indeed win.”

“Hope is a wonderful gift from God, a source of strength and courage in the face of life’s harshest trials. When we are trapped in a tunnel of misery, hope points to the light at the end. When we are overworked and exhausted, hope gives us fresh energy. When we are discouraged, hope lifts our spirits. When we are tempted to quit, hope keeps us going.”

“Nothing surprises God. What puzzles us is permitted by our Lord, for reasons too profound to grasp. It is put together in the counsel of His own will so that it fits perfectly into His plan for His glory and for His purposes. As His servant, I say in response, ‘I will not fear. Though I don’t understand it, I will not fear. Though You take something that’s deeply significant to me, though You allow a catastrophe to strike, I will not fear. I will not blame, I will not doubt, and I will not question.’”

We would appreciate continued prayers for Dennis’ recovery from surgery and this recent setback. We are still hoping to attend ACA’s graduation on Saturday – keep that in prayer as well! And please pray for his upcoming chemotherapy – that we will not be anxious about the timing and that Dennis will tolerate it well.

With great relief, peace and contentment,


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