What Do You Believe?

I'm watching an old Dr. Quinn episode. The story is about the town thinking that a comet is going to crash to earth and wipe them all out. It shows how people respond to the thought of the end of the world.

Some turn to alcohol; one spends her life savings on China; another quits working; a couple wants to get married; one builds a shelter; the young people see it as license to do whatever they want; the reverend cancels school and opens the church for everyone to come for confession and counsel; the doctor carries on as usual and her beau tries to encourage her to live life every day in the moment.

There is discussion about what will happen after they die. One woman trusts that when she dies, she and her husband will be in heaven. He doesn't see that as enough of a comfort and begins to have a heart attack. The young people talk about all they won't be able to do here on earth and the misinformation they have "heard" about heaven - like they will look different and won't recognize one another. The reverend is overwhelmed and unsure of what to do "at a time like this". (Shouldn't he of all people have the answer?) The Cheyenne Indian tells a young boy that his people believe the stars are a sign that the spirits have found their final resting place.

As the town faces what they believe to be their "last hour", they all share how much they care about one another and how they each have brought meaning to one another's lives. Midnight comes and goes and nothing happens of course. Only then is a telegram found that says the comet is "utter nonsense". But they all leave the church vowing not to take one another for granted any more.

I am finding this so interesting in light of a conversation I had with a fellow Bible study leader yesterday about the recent earthquakes around the world. We are all destined to face our "final hour". We were wondering what those we know believe will happen to them at that time. So I'll pose the question: What do you think will happen to you when you die?

I personally have the full assurance that I will go to heaven. The reason I know this is because I have received Jesus as my Lord and Savior. The Bible says in John 3:16 that "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." Yes, my physical body will die, but my spirit will live for eternity in Heaven with the Lord. Because I have this hope of a peaceful eternity, I choose to live my life according to the Bible out of gratitude to God for saving me from my sin.

It's not a complicated plan. We were all born sinners, separated from God. God sent His Son to die on the cross to accept the punishment for our sins. When we believe in Christ, admit our sin and ask Him to be our Savior, He cleanses us and makes us like new. We are then guaranteed citizenship in heaven for eternity.

God doesn't desire anyone to be without Him. But it's our choice. Will you accept this free gift and guarantee yourself a place in heaven? It is my prayer you will.


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