Seeing God

"Pain is everywhere, and wherever the pain there can be everywhere grace. . . The only place we have to come before we die is the place of seeing God. This is what I'm famished for: more of the God-glory. I whisper with the blind beggar, 'Lord, I want to see.' (Luke 18:41) (p. 108)

"I want to see beauty. In the ugly, in the sink, in the suffering, in the daily, in all the days before I die, the moments before I sleep. Isn't beauty what we yearn to burn with before we die?" (p. 109)

"Every moment I live, I live bowed to something. And if I don't see God, I'll bow down before something else." (p. 110)

"Eucharisteo is everywhere and I want to see eucharisteo everywhere and I want to remember how badly I really want to see." (p. 111)

"How we behold determines if we hold joy. Behold glory and be held by God. How we look determines how we live. . .if we live." (p. 113)

"Faith is in the gaze of a soul. That faith is not a once-in-the-past action, but faith is always a way of seeing, a seeking for God in everything. And if the eyes gaze long enough to see God lifted in a thing, how can the lips not offer eucharisteo? The truly saved have eyes of faith and lips of thanks. Faith is in the gaze of a soul." (pp. 114-115)

"To be Moses, who 'kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible' (Hebrews 11:27). That is what makes us persevere through a life: to see Him who is invisible!" (p. 115)

"Living in His presence is fullness of joy - and seeing shows the way in. The art of deep seeing makes gratitude possible. And it is the art of gratitude that makes joy possible." (p. 118)

76. A day at home after a busy week. . . Feeling accomplished after catching up on some much needed chores.

77. Family time on a Saturday

78. Spirit led worship and the teaching of the Word on a Sunday morning

79. BBQ on a Sunday afternoon with my parents

80. My dad steadily improving and getting around well post surgery

81. Three-day weekend - another day with my hubby

82. Chipotle - awesome chicken burritos - what a treat!

83. A pleasant afternoon with friends - all kids played well together and moms enjoyed good conversation

84. Proud of my daughter for showing graciousness to our little girl guests & cleaning up willingly afterward with no complaining

85. Compromise from my kiddos

86. Kids who love to read and look forward to going to the library

87. That my girl still likes to participate in crafts and hand motions during children’s songs

88. Seeing my kids smiles and hearing their laughter as they enjoy a show

89. Growing in new friendships

90. Seeing my son participate in a group activity

91. Simple things like running an errand as a family, hot dogs and cokes at Costco, working outside with my hubby, reading with my kiddos and quiet time at home.

92. Soap bubbles!

93. My parents who always welcome us into their home.

94. Gathering books from practically every room in the house before going to the library.

95. A bagel and ice tea turning into a 5 ½ hour gab fest with a good friend.

96. A nap!

97. Blogs that encourage me as a wife and mom and in my home schooling journey.

98. Fireworks up close!

99. Patriotic songs that give honor and glory to God.

100. New babies to make our family grow


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