The Ugly Beautiful

"You would be very ashamed if you knew what the experiences you call setbacks, upheavals, pointless disturbances, and tedious annoyances really are. You would realize that your complaints about them are nothing more nor less than blasphemies - though that never occurs to you. Nothing happens to you except by the will of God, and yet (God's) beloved children curse it because they do not know it for what it is." (quote by Jean-Pierre de Caussade; p. 125 "One Thousand Gifts")

Often in life these past several years, I have seen things as setbacks and disturbances and annoyances. Even now, I feel a little like we've taken a few steps back in life with Dennis' recent hernia surgery. But this chapter in Ann Voskamp's book reminds me that I need to look at these moments also as "grace and gift". In difficult moments, I need to keep my focus on Christ. "Contemplative simplicity isn't a matter of circumstances; it's a matter of focus. I (must) look for the ugly beautiful, count it as grace, transfigure the mess into joy with thanks." (p. 127)

Jean Piper says, "If you want to be really alert to seeing Jesus' divine beauty, his glory. . . then make sure you tune your senses to see his grace." (p. 129) Ann adds that "Grace - that is what the full life is full of, what the God-glory is full of. To see the glory, name the graces." (p. 129)

She goes on to say, "The practice of giving thanks. . . eucharisteo. . . that is the way we practice the presence of God, stay present to His presence, and it is always a practice of the eyes. We don't have to change what we see. Only the way we see." (p. 135)

So even in the difficult moments, I'll do my best to count it grace - seeing the gifts.

101. The addition of two more red-feathered birds to our backyard aviary.

102. Sprouting pumpkin and sunflower seeds

103. Time to work on my scrapbook and the fun memories the pictures bring.

104. The Katinas and spirit-led worship on Sunday morning

105. All VBS craft items ordered, in-stock, and delivered well before the week begins!

106. Sleeping in

107. Cool weather

108. Seeing Cathy Rigby in Peter Pan; she flew right toward the kiddos in the balcony; meeting her after the show.

109. The gift of clothes for my girl from her cousin. . . new to her and a huge gift to our budget!

110. Organized chaos as we work on projects around the house

111. Listening to what the kids come up with as they record themselves on the tape recorder

112. Kids creating a slideshow on the iPad - good to see their teamwork and creativity; very clever outcome

113. Being able to keep the type of insurance that allows us to continue to see our family Dr. in spite of having to change carriers

114. Computer upgrades working - most importantly the photo program. . . And the missing pictures are back!

115. The chance to do something fun and out of the ordinary as a family

116. Living in America where we have the freedom to worship the Lord

117. So many patriotic songs both traditional and contemporary that give praise and honor to the Lord

118. The beauty of the full moon - the heavens declare the glory of God

119. Giggling over “I Love Lucy” episodes with my daughter

120. A nap!

121. My daughter wanting to snuggle next to me and hold my hand while watching more “I Love Lucy”

122. My son is a chatter box again - this means he’s feeling better after having had the flu for the past two days.

123. Hubby who “dates” our daughter & has “buddy days” with our son

124. Progress on the office project

125. Having a like-minded spouse; we enjoy the same activities; share the same goals & dreams for the future; are in agreement on parenting & financial issues


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