Countering Lies with the Truth

From the book Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. . .

Taken from the chapter "Countering Lies with the Truth". . .

"Once we permit Satan's lies to gain entrance into our minds, the progression continues as we dwell on those lies. If we do not immediately reject deceptive ways of thinking, but allow ourselves to entertain them in our minds, sooner or later we will begin to believe them. And what we believe inevitably is what we will act on." (p. 24)

"The Truth has the power to overcome every lie. . . The Truth has the power to set us free. . . The Truth has the power to sanctify us." (pp. 246-247)

"Freedom from bondage is the sweet fruit of knowing, believing, and acting on the Truth. . .The Truth is a Person - the Lord Jesus Christ. . . True freedom is found in a vital, growing relationship with the Lord Jesus. . . If we want to know the Truth, we must devote ourselves to the reading, study and meditation of His Word." (p. 250)

". . .It is not enough to know the Truth. We must also surrender to the Truth. . . Everything we do must be evaluated in the light of God's Word. That is our absolute authority." (p. 251)

"We must remember that in Christ and His Word, we have the Truth that sets people free. That is Good News!. . . There is no other way for those we love to be delivered from darkness, deception, and death. If we truly care about them, we will prayerfully and actively seek to restore them to God's way of thinking." (p. 252)


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