Warm Thoughts about "Frozen"

"Frozen" came out in November - we saw it opening day and enjoyed being only one of three families in the theater. We just watched it again on DVD and I was reminded of the two main lessons I gained from the movie.

First was where Elsa's parents failed her. The troll leader told Elsa that fear would be her enemy. By giving into their fear, Elsa's parents then made her fearful. They had her hide her ability and as a result, Elsa closed herself off not just from her sister, but from everyone. . . In the song "For the First Time", Elsa sings about not letting people in, concealing, and not feeling. As Christians we are told in 2 Timothy 2:17 that "the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and discipline." What Elsa needed was the loving support of her parents to help her learn to control her ability. Our children take their cues from us. As we studied parenthood in Bible study recently, part of our study was about being an example to our children. We need to model courage and strength from the Lord and pray these character traits for them.

The second was even more important - that of sacrificing oneself for another. Philippians 2:7-8 tells us that Jesus made Himself nothing and became a servant who humbled Himself and became obedient even unto death. There were many examples of sacrifice in the movie. Anna risks her life to go after Elsa. Kristoff risks his to help save Anna when she is struck by an ice shard by mistake. Olaf is willing to stay by the fire to help Anna even though he will melt - I love when he says "some people are worth melting for." And in the end, Anna chooses to save Elsa instead of saving herself. This ultimate sacrifice not only brings Anna back, but breaks through to Elsa and she realizes that love is what she needed all along. This last sacrifice is a beautiful picture of what Christ did for us on the cross - a sacrifice of life unto death out of love.

We enjoyed the movie - the story, music and of course, Olaf the snowman was a favorite. I'm sure that many little girls will be belting out "Let it Go" for a while. It reminds me of when Ellie used to sing "Part of your World" from "The Little Mermaid". A thumbs-up from our family.


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