Beautiful Work

I think we all enjoy relaxing and downtime. Often I look at chores with annoyance because I see them as keeping me from enjoying myself. But the funny thing is, once the chores are done, I feel a sense of satisfaction. I like how things look, I like that I've taken care of our home for my family, for the Lord. Which reminds me of something I read a while back about how we were created for work.

God worked - He worked for six days creating the world and the things in it. I suspect He enjoyed it. It was a creative endeavor. He had freedom to make things as He wanted them. He created things to work in harmony with one another. All around us is evidence of a divine Creator. Genesis tells us we were created in God's image. If God is a Creator, then I assume that we are to. We were made to create things - things of beauty. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then there are many things that can be seen as beautiful.

In my current role as wife and mother, my work is centered around the home. Today I was reminded that shiny faucets, spotless mirrors and even fresh smelling toilets are beautiful. Maybe another woman finds a stack of graded papers beautiful; a finished report or power point can be a work of art; a successful surgery or healthy patient is a lovely sight to another; and on an on. Whatever work we have been called to do can be seen as beautiful if we've done our best and brought it to completion.

And even though I would prefer to put off the work and just enjoy the downtime, today I realized that my time of relaxation was so much sweeter because it followed my beautiful work. Because I served my family and my Lord first, I was able to relax without any feelings of laziness following me. I actually feel better about myself when I am working - when I am creating. I guess that should motivate me each day to keep creating in the area where God has called me.


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