Real Love

As a result of God's love for us, we can love God and others. God's love also gives us hope that we have eternal life.

Love for the Master is not some sweet sentimental emotion that sweeps over the soul in moments of special piety. Love for Christ is a deliberate setting of the will to carry out His commands at any cost. It it is the fixed attitude of heart that decides to do His will at all times. It is the desire and delight of accomplishing our Father's highest purposes, no matter how challenging. . .

In our highly permissive society, where the so-called "me" generation is encouraged to be so self-centered and so self-preoccupied, the call to obey Christ and comply with His commands cuts across our culture and our cynical conduct.

It simply is not normal nor natural for most of us to "love" God or "love" others in the drastic discipline of a laid-down life. We are a selfish, self-serving people. And when called upon to serve others we feel insulted. We have the strange, worldly idea that to be of lowly service is to be "used" or "abused".

Yet God, very God, in Christ came among us in lowly service. He came to minister to us. He came to give Himself to us. And so, because He first "loved" us, we in turn are to be willing and ready to "love" Him and others.

-From Lessons from a Sheep Dog by Phillip Keller; part of The Inspirational Study Bible: New Century Version by Max Lucado

When you are fed up with life and utterly exhausted, look for a way to love someone around you. Being patient and maintaining a caring attitude when you don't feel like it shows that you have experienced God's love.

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But God shows His great love for us in this way: Christ died for us while we were still sinners. -Romans 5:8 (NCV)

Live a life of love just as Christ loved us and gave Himself for us as a sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice to God. -Ephesians 5:2 (NCV)

This is what real love is: It is not our love for God; it is God's love for us in sending His Son to be the way to take away our sins. -1 John 4:10 (NCV)


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