Do What He Asks Me To Do

Jesus emphasized that not only must we hear God's words, but we must act on them too.

Only when I reach the point where I solemnly place great store upon what He says will it ever become a powerful force in my life.

Only when I really take Him seriously will His word be made Spirit and life (supernatural life) to me.

Only when I recognize that what I am hearing is in fact and in truth divine revelation designed by deity for my own good, will I hear it as a word from above.

God has chosen to articulate Himself to me as a man in four ways: through the natural created universe around me; through His word expressed by inspired men who reported it in human language I can read and understand; through the person of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, exemplified in human form; through those other men and women in whom He designs to reside by His own Gracious Spirit.

He may speak to me deliberately and distinctly through any one or all of these ways. It is my responsibility then to recognize; "O God, You are communicating with me. I will listen. I do recognize Your voice communing with me". . .

I must set aside whatever else preoccupies my thoughts and give my undivided attention to the Lord.

It is not good enough to "half listen" to God. He demands my total concentration on what He is conveying to me. He knows that anything less will leave me half-hearted. . .

My positive response results in immediate action on my part. His will is done. His wishes are carried out. His desires are complied with happily. His commands are executed without delay or debate.

In short I simply do what He asks me to do.

This is faith in action - the faith of obedience.

This is the gateway into the good ground of God's garden.

This is to "Hear" the Word and have it come alive.

This is to have Him implant the good seed of His good intentions for me in the good, warm, open, prepared soil of my responsive soul.

The seed will germinate. The young plants will prosper and grow vigorously. There will be fruit production of His choosing - a harvest that delights Him and refreshes others.

-From A Gardener Looks at the Fruits of the Spirit by Phillip Keller; part of The Inspirational Study Bible: New Century Version by Max Lucado

As you read God's Word, listen to the Holy Spirit. What is God telling you to do? Don't ignore His prodding - obey Him now.

I tell you the truth, whoever hears what I say and believes in the One who sent Me has eternal life. That person will not be judged guilty but has already left death and entered life. -John 5:24 (NCV)


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