A Special Identity

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In Psalm 139 we read in the first four verses that God knows us. He knows when we sit down or stand up. He is intimately acquainted with all our ways. He knows it all. Verse 13 says that God formed our inward parts; that we were woven together in our mother's womb. We are the Designer's creation; completely designed by the hand of God. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Because of this, verse 14 tells us we should give thanks. God's works are wonderful. Our frame was not hidden from God. All the days ordained for us are written in God's book. When we understand that God is our Creator, it should change how we see everything.

"Are you thankful for the way God made you, or do you gripe and complain? Do you feel like a misfit, a mistake, or an accident? If you do, then you have believed a lie because God shows you right in His Word that HE is the Creator and no one else. There are no mistakes. He forms us and weaves us. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. God Himself ordains all our days! God has individually and specifically created you to be you! You are special. You have worth and value no matter what the world or anyone else tells you!" (p. 30)

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Why did God create us? In Isaiah 43:1-7 we read that God called us by name. He says, "You are mine!" When we pass through the waters, God will be with us. We are precious in God's sight. He loves us. He created us for His glory.

"What does it mean to be created for God's glory? That means we should live to bring God honor. We are to live in a way that gives all of creation a correct opinion of who God is. We should not complain about who we are or how we are made, because we know that God has a purpose in creating us this way. Our actions and who we are should show other people just WHO God is."

"We are to show the world the character of God. We need to do the things that God wants us to do, such as becoming like Christ, loving other people as ourselves, forgiving others when they hurt us, using our gifts and talents, and telling people about Jesus." (pp. 30-31)

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In John 17:4 we see that Jesus glorified God on earth because He did the work God had given Him to do. "How about you? What is the work God has for you to do? What are your gifts and talents that God has given you? Are you using those gifts for His glory Are you doing the things that God wants you to do, such as: loving other people?" Sharing about Jesus? "Do you give God the credit for your abilities, or do you brag about your accomplishments? Do you do anything that doesn't bring God glory?"

We read further in Revelation 4:11 that because of God's will we were born; we exist. We were "created for God's will." Our lives are "to be lived to show the world God's character: His love, His mercy, His peace, His gentleness, His forgiveness." We are "to live for God to accomplish His will."

We were not an accident. God planned our births and numbered our days. He loves us. We are precious in His sight. He has called us by name. We are His!

-Discover 4 Yourself Inductive Bible Studies for Kids!God, What's Your Name?; Kay Arthur and Janna Arndt; pp. 29-32


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