Being Anchored in Hope

Women's Retreat 2017

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. - Hebrews 6:19

Hope is having full confidence in God's promises.

Our weekend began with Pastor David giving us an overview of Hebrews 6:9-19. Verses 9-10 of this passage tell us that while some of the readers may have been unsaved, the writer was confident God had been working because their works reflected changed lives.

In Matthew chapter 8, Mark chapter 4, and Luke 8:22-25 we read about Jesus and the disciples crossing the lake in a boat. While Jesus slept soundly, a furious storm came up suddenly. The disciples were afraid. They woke Jesus up and cried out that they were going to drown. Jesus chastised them for having such little faith. He then rebuked the winds and the waves and the lake became calm. The disciples were amazed that even the wind and waves obeyed Jesus.

Pastor David shared the following things from this passage:

* Jesus loves us and we should not question His love. Mark tells us that when the disciples woke Jesus up, they accused Him of not caring about them. (v. 38) 1 John 4:10 says, "This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."

* No matter the situation, God will deliver you. He is powerful enough to deliver us from any storm that life may bring. Psalm 89:9 reads, "You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them."

* It's not enough to believe He will, we need to believe it for ourselves. Often we believe Jesus will work in the lives of others, but not for us personally. His promises are for everyone.

* My faith will be tested. There is no way around this. Job 23:10 tells us "He knows the way I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold." It is through our trials that we are refined.

* I can come to God for help and He will hear me. The disciples cried out to Jesus to save them from the storm. Jesus heard their cries and He stopped the storm.

* No matter what I go through, the result is a deeper relationship with God. It is through the experience of God working in our trials that we can know Him better and trust Him more.

* As a wife and mother I have a responsibility to pass on the hope I have in Christ to my husband and children. Husbands need their wives to believe in them, to encourage them in their walks with the Lord as well as in their work and responsibilities for their families. While our children need to be corrected, they also need to know we believe in them. We need to teach and train them in the ways of the Lord, showing them that through Christ we have all we need to overcome the difficulties life brings. We need to encourage them in their schooling and pursuits to do their best for the Lord and to persevere when things are difficult.

* Our faith needs to move us to service. Jesus came to serve and not to be served. (Matthew 20:28) He served His disciples as well as the many who came to Him for help of one kind or another. But most importantly, He died on the cross to save us from our sins.

* Learn to trust Him at His Word. The disciples feared for their lives; but Jesus had said "Let us go over to the other side." (Mark 4:35) Jesus intended for them to arrive at their destination. We can trust that the Lord will fulfill His promises. "I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope." -Psalm 130:5

This was a great beginning to the weekend!


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