Finding Joy Again
April 29, 2011 As I wrote before, Dennis had surgery on Thursday, April 7. The surgery itself went well. Dr. Stamos, our surgeon, said afterward that there was no visible signs of cancer. Dennis did end up with the ostomy as a precaution. He had a rough time after surgery with pain, but by Saturday was able to get up and around. He came home on Tuesday, April 12. Following his homecoming we received a call from Dr. Stamos that the biopsy revealed no cancer. The radiation and chemotherapy had done their job. This was very good news. The several days following surgery he was experiencing enough pain to require the prescription pain medication that had been prescribed. He spent most of his time upstairs, but was able to navigate up and down the stairs to eat meals with us and get drink refills. A home health care nurse has been provided to come twice a week to help Dennis change the ostomy bag. He was disappointed to have had to have the ostomy, but we trusted that it was for the best. ...