
Showing posts from January, 2013

The Door, The Good Shepherd, The Son of God

In John chapter 10, Jesus teaches about the difference between the false shepherds (the Pharisees) and the True Shepherd (Himself). Shepherds were common during this time in history, so the people could easily understand what Jesus was speaking about. Jesus begins by talking about the characteristics of a true shepherd. First, the true shepherd enters through the gate (or door). The watchman at the gate recognizes the shepherd and allows him to come in. Second, the sheep know the voice of the shepherd. Because the shepherd spends so much time with the sheep, the sheep learn the voice of the shepherd and respond only to it and no others. Third, the sheep will follow the shepherd because they trusted him. (It is interesting to note that shepherds in this area “led” their sheep; they did not “drive” them.) “To a sheep, a stranger is anyone they do not know, someone who could possibly do them harm.” (Harvest study) Jesus also shared what the signs of a false shepherd were and the poten...

Christlike Christians

"What encourages us to preach the gospel in captive nations is that there those who become Christians are full of love and zeal. I have never met one single lukewarm Russian Christian. Former young Communists and Muslims become exceptional disciples of Christ. . . Whoever has known the spiritual beauty of the underground church cannot be satisfied anymore with the emptiness of some Western churches. . . One out of every five people in the world live in Communist China, where thousands of lay Christians evangelize without 'permission'. Persecution has always produced a better Christian - a witnessing Christian, a soul-winning Christian. Communist persecution has backfired and produced serious, dedicated Christians such as are rarely seen in free lands. These people cannot understand how anyone can be a Christian and not want to win every soul they meet . . . These millions of dedicated, true and fervent believers in the lay church have been purified by the very fire...


"There is truly no more revolutionary action than to love those who have persecuted you and forgive them." -Jesus Freaks II, Revolutionaries "But I tell you who hear me:Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who are cruel to you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic.Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back Do to others as you would have them to do to you. . .  But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without excepting to get anything back. Then  your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High,because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:27-31, 35-3...

On Living Consciously

"Sometimes as Christians we forget how revolutionary what we believe truly is. That Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead on the third day? No other religion in the world has a founder that doesn't have a tomb somewhere that is kept in honor of his memory. In the Holy Land there are a few places where it is believed Jesus may have been buried, but no one can be sure, as they are all empty. The idea that the God who created the universe can live within a person's heart is simply incredible. That we can be strengthened from within by His Spirit and walk in the light of His advice through our consciences is equally amazing. And to say that we have yet to understand even one-millionth of what that means is an amazing understatement. The adventure of being a Christian, however, is not so remarkable if it is not consciously lived. Walking daily with Jesus shows . It creates a confidence and boldness in a person that is simply supernatural. But, strangely enough, it is e...

Tower Building

"Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. . . They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used bricks instead of stones, and tar for mortar. Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth." But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. The Lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other." So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it is called Babel -because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole ...

We Live By Faith And Not By Sight

John 11 opens with Jesus being informed that his dear friend, Lazarus, is sick. Jesus sends word to Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, that “this sickness will not end in death.” (v.4) While the messenger is traveling back and forth, however, Lazarus dies. After two days, Jesus tells His disciples they will now travel to Bethany to the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. The disciples are concerned and remind Jesus that the Jews there wanted to kill Him. Jesus tells them that “Lazarus has fallen asleep” (v. 11) and He is going there to wake him up. The disciples mistakenly think that Lazarus is only sleeping and will get better. Then Jesus informs them that Lazarus has, in fact, died; but that his death will be an opportunity for the disciples to believe in who Jesus was. Thomas, who is known for his doubting, showed great courage and faith by saying that they should “also go” and die with Jesus. So our first thought might be why didn’t Jesus keep Lazarus from becoming sick in th...

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Today was the anniversary of the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision to legalize abortion. It's been on my mind that language plays a big part in the debate over this topic. What I hear from the Pro-Choice side is that, "it's a woman's right to choose what she does with her body." But I wonder if those who say and believe this really stop to think about what it is they are saying a woman has a right to do. I was curious, so I pulled out a medical dictionary. I have an old copy of "The Bantam Medical Dictionary". It's old and I suppose the definitions might have changed, but here's what I found when I looked up some terms: First of all, abortion is defined as "the expulsion or removal of an embryo or fetus from the womb." The term pregnancy is defined as "the period during which a woman carries a developing fetus . Pregnancy lasts for approximately 266 days, from conception until the baby is born, and the fetus normally develops...

My Worth Comes From Christ and Christ Alone

I've been reading Mary Beth Chapman's book " Choosing to See ". I feel as if I have walked through the tragic loss of their sweet Maria with them. Her book has been touching as well as challenging. She shares the story that God has been writing for her from the time she was young by opening up about her perfectionist tendencies, her battle with depression, and her honest thoughts and emotions in regards to the devastating accident that took the life of her youngest daughter and deeply affected her son. The following quote was from the chapter where Mary Beth writes about her depression. But these things she shares are true in general and something I want to remember. (Trials) are "an opportunity to acknowledge to God that He (is) literally my only hope. In the darkest, loneliest times in the middle of the night, I realized that Christ is truly all I have. I realized that everything else - everything - is fleeting. If I put my security or peace of mind in my...

Am I Too Comfortable?

“Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God”— Romans 1:1 I've been reading quite a bit since the New Year began. From different sources, I've read about sacrificing for others in my daily life, enduring trials of various kinds, and being bold in sharing my faith. But what I keep coming back to is what I read first from "Jesus Freaks II":  " Are we too comfortable in our lifestyle to truly be following Christ? " (p. 5) A few days ago I read a post on Ann Voskamp's blog written by Liz Curtis Higgs. She was expounding on Romans 1:1. Her discussion of Paul was another thing that has stuck with me. Liz talked about how the name Paul meant small and humble; and that Paul went on to further describe himself as a servant, slave and prisoner. He willingly accepted trials and persecutions of every kind for the sake of Christ. She then wrote, "this is the awful truth: I pray to be Christ-like, when I’m n...

The Habit of Counting Blessings

"God changes us from the inside out, renewing our minds, starving our selfish tendencies, teaching us to form new habits." -Beth Moore It is easy to fall into the habit of grumbling and complaining. I think this might have its root in selfishness. When we don't get what we want or what we think we deserve, or when bad or difficult things happen to us, we can become angry or sad and soon be dissatisfied with life and with God. But as "new creations" we are admonished to "renew our minds". Looking for the blessings in the midst of the disappointments is a habit that will lead to contentment and joy and peace. This begins on the inside with our thought life. The more I practice this habit of seeing the good, the less often I am filled with anxious and despairing thoughts. I'll keep counting to 1,000. . . and beyond! 401. House back in order after Christmas 402. Free pizza! 403. Enjoying an old comedy with the hubby 404. Comfy new pj’s 4...

A Cup Filled by the Lord

"No one is more pleasurable to be around than a person who has had her cup filled by the Lord Jesus Christ." - Beth Moore One way to be filled by the Lord is to count His gifts in my daily life. May I be a pleasure to be around as I share with others the gifts of Christ to me. 376. Having a hubby who helps out when he’s home - like making lunch for everyone and vacuuming 377. Our girl receiving the Most Christlike Award for volleyball 378. Enjoyable afternoon at the park 379. A full school day with lots accomplished 380. Our kids’ friends 381. Final volleyball game - an exciting one; our girl played really well 382. Seeing our girl give her best in spite of her disappointment 383. Kids getting along really well 384. Hubby’s job 385. Fun memories of my last vacation with my parents and brother 386. Hosting Thanksgiving Day 387. Nice day with the Henry family 388. Celebrating our girl turning 10! What a tremendous gift she is to us 389. Our girl...

Living on Someone Else's Timetable

This is how we know what love is:  Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. -1 John 3:16 "The life of a mother is filled with moments, small and large, of laying down her life for her children But God sees you, and me, and he smiles each time we put aside our own desires to serve and care for our little ones. No matter what sacrifices I am making in my life now, I know they pale in comparison to what Christ has already sacrificed for me. Although I feel that I will forever be living my life on someone else's timetable, in fact I am living out God's timetable for me, on a heavenly schedule I may never understand to the fullest but that promises to be the best plan possible for my life." -"Always There"; Helen Lee; p. 53 The question at the end of this chapter was "what are the toughest sacrifices mothering has demanded of me?" I would have to answer personal time. I've ...

Lessons From the Movie "Brave"

It's very common in our family to spend time contemplating and discussing the message of movies we watch. We had gone to see the movie "Brave" as a family when it was in the theaters. My girl received it as a Christmas gift and we watched it again today. Shortly after the movie began the first time, I leaned over to Dennis and said I thought this was a movie about our daughter and me. At the time we were facing similar struggles as Merida and her mother in the movie - mom trying to mold her daughter into what she thought she should be, not taking the time to really listen to and hear the heart of her daughter, and being too busy for purposeful interaction and a daughter who felt she wasn't understood, didn't like being corrected, was having trouble accepting responsibility for her actions, and felt her brother was getting away with everything. Obviously, both learned to consider the other person's point of view. Merida learned to accept responsibility fo...

There's Requiring and There's Offering

"As Mothers, we sacrifice from the moment the stick shows a line. We change our eating habits and become inhabited. Paul wrote in Romans 12:1, 'I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship.' There's not much choice when you're pregnant. And much of mothering out of the womb requires sacrificing different pieces of yourself - your time, your sense of order, your priorities. But there's requiring, and there's offering. And that's where God is in our sacrifice. Abraham offered his son Isaac to God when he asked (Genesis 22). A poor widow offered all the money she had to live on to the temple treasury (Mark 12:41-44). Paul offered his health, safety, and freedom for the cause of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:23-28). None of those acts was done in disgust. All were done for God. When God offered his son Jesus to the world, it was ...

No Higher Calling

"A chain of bondage is placed upon a person link by link each time she turns away from the Truth or refuses to voice what is right. On a personal level, over time this can enmesh us in a lifestyle of self-justification and lies. Then the truth becomes so obscured that we hardly notice when we violate it ourselves until something tragic happens. On a community or societal level, power is accumulated by those who love it above all else when righteous people are silent. Often (freedom) is whittled away. . . when no opposition is voiced. Liberty evaporates withou t the refreshing wind of Truth. Through prayer and following our consciences we can make a difference in our personal worlds. This is the revolution and world-changing God has called each of us to. What is important (to God) is that we seek Him, live for Him, and obey Him daily. There is no higher calling than this, and there is no calling more dangerous to ignore." -Jesus Freaks - Revolutionaries; dc Talk; pp. 5...

Our Thought Lives

"Working on our thought lives is the only thing that will keep them from working on us." - Beth Moore Philippians 4:8-9 tells us to focus on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. When we focus on these things, we keep the enemy from deceiving us and leading our minds astray. Counting our gifts is a way to keep our minds focused on the things of God - His provision and grace for us. 351. Kids excitement over Friday school activities 352. The comfort of home 353. Seeing our girl play an amazing game of volleyball! She rocked! 354. A simple errand allowing for some one-on-one time with my girl; hubby taking our guy out for some frostys and buddy time 355. Quiet family time on a warm Sunday afternoon in November 356. That I am able to direct my children’s education; to choose their course of study; to go at their pace; to teach them from a Biblical worldview 357. The freedom to vote 358. Knowing that God, the K...

Worship in the Midst of Life

"We must learn to worship in the midst of life. . . and even in the midst of suffering. Worship God, not comfort. Worship in its truest form ascribes and acknowledges that the truth is about God. Worship reminds us of who He is and who we aren't. He alone is God. He is in control. He is the just God, the compassionate and loving God. He knows everything. He knows our condition. God-centered worship ultimately comforts us because it reminds us of the truth about life. It brings hope. When life seems most uncomfortable, worship God." -Excerpted from "Moments with You"; by Dennis and Barbara Rainy Taking our eyes off of ourselves and our troubles is the key to living a hopeful life.

God Loves Me Right Where I Am

"God loves me right where I am. No matter what stage I am in with my spiritual growth, he looks on me with love. He isn't mad at me because of what I just don't get yet. He does not have a constant frown etched on his face, frustrated with me because I am growing so slowly, because I still struggle with certain sins. Yes, he is calling me to more. But he is still delighted with my efforts. His heart is full of joy as he watches me grow as his child. He isn't in a rush for me to master everything in his Word today. The Lord is pleased with every baby step I take toward him, even if I feel like I am still trying to get out of my spiritual diapers. He looks at this daughter of his, enthralled with her beauty, and smiles. How grateful I am to serve a God who loves me so unconditionally. His love fills me with the strength I need to press on each day. And how tender he is to whisper of his love for me wherever I am, no matter what I am doing. . . even in the midst o...

Seeing God in the Little Things

"Life gets tedious; tedious is trying. If we're not careful, the repetitive tasks that fill our days can drain our spirits." "In the Bible, it's easier to see God in parting seas and miraculous healings than in the long journeys, heart-hardening waiting, and daily grind of shepherding. But we know his purposes were at work there too." "Most of life is decidedly not like a trip to Disney World. It's more waiting in a hot queue than the rush of a ride. But what do we do in the queue? The idea here is not to compare our days, but to realize that if we are too busy grumbling, or so focused forward on the next holiday or family visit, we won't be able to serve and see God today in whatever numbing tasks lay before us. He's there." "And we are of value to God right now, in the plainness of today." "That means digging deep and doing what we do, 'whatever you do. . . for the glory of God' (1 Corinthians 10:31)....

On Faith. . .

"Faith uses as much wisdom as it has to accomplish the task at hand and then it lets God step in as He wills. It is unafraid to obey God even when that obedience would seem foolhardy. It is something that comes from a real relationship with God where we listen to Him more than we ask Him for things. It is the adventure of doing whatever God tells us to do without fear. Is there really any other way to live?" -Jesus Freaks - Revolutionaries; by dc Talk; p. 46 "What may be a failure in our eyes is seldom one in God's eyes."  Be not afraid, only believe. -Mark 5:36 (KJV) -Jesus Freaks- Revolutionaries; by dc Talk; p. 48 "God didn't call us to be successful, just faithful." - Mother Teresa "It is not my ability, but my response to God's ability that counts."  - Corrie Ten Boom -Jesus Freaks - Revolutionaries; by dc Talk; p. 49

2012 in Review

After spending much of last year ensconced in all things medical either at home or UCI, 2012 has been a  time of enjoyment for our family as Dennis’ progressive recovery has allowed us to get out more and do things together. We began the year with both kids playing soccer with CYAA (Christian Youth Athletic Association). This was a first for both of them and they managed to do fairly well out on the field. It was a very positive experience for all of us. In March we celebrated Josh’s 7th birthday. He continues to keep us entertained with his constant chatter - telling jokes, commenting on all that is going on around him, and sharing things he has read about or from his favorite Phineas and Ferb episodes. He loves all things Lego and seems to build something new daily. He is an electronic enthusiast and wants to play on the Wii, computer, iPad or iPod - whatever is currently available to him. Thankfully he is an avid reader as well, and can often be found engrossed ...

Reflections for the New Year

A new year and the time we make those things called resolutions. As a teacher, I was taught that goals need to be measurable. You don't just say, "I want to be a better mom". You need to list what that looks like; such as I'll make eye contact with my kids when they speak to me or I'll sit down and give them my undivided attention for 30 minutes each afternoon. Saying, "I want to grow in my relationship with the Lord" is nice, but how will you do that? Maybe commit to reading the Daily Bible each day or spending 30 minutes in prayer before bed each evening or joining a  Bible study or signing up for a ministry. Resolutions need to lead us to creating habits that we will stick with for the long term. As I have reflected on this past year, I see areas that I have grown in as well as areas that need improvement. Those areas that need improvement kind of get me down; but I was reminded of Romans 8:1 "there is now no condemnation for those who are in C...

Let the Revolution Begin!

With the new year has come new reading material. One of the new books I decided to read is "Jesus Freaks - Revolutionaries" by dc Talk. I thought the first one was very good; it challenged me to seek a deeper personal relationship with Christ as well as to live "out loud" more as an example of Christ to others. My first reading of this new book last night already caused a stirring in my heart and I am excited to get into it further. The first quote that jumped out at me was "Jesus came to comfort the afflicted, but He also came to afflict the comfortable." The question was asked, "are we too comfortable in our lifestyle to truly be following Christ?" I thought about our work. Why do we choose the work that we do? Yes, we need to earn a living, but are the numbers to the left of the decimal point the soul driving force in our choice? Is this work honest? Is it for a company that conducts business in line with Scripture? Do you believe in the p...