God Loves Me Right Where I Am

"God loves me right where I am. No matter what stage I am in with my spiritual growth, he looks on me with love. He isn't mad at me because of what I just don't get yet. He does not have a constant frown etched on his face, frustrated with me because I am growing so slowly, because I still struggle with certain sins.

Yes, he is calling me to more. But he is still delighted with my efforts. His heart is full of joy as he watches me grow as his child. He isn't in a rush for me to master everything in his Word today. The Lord is pleased with every baby step I take toward him, even if I feel like I am still trying to get out of my spiritual diapers.

He looks at this daughter of his, enthralled with her beauty, and smiles.

How grateful I am to serve a God who loves me so unconditionally. His love fills me with the strength I need to press on each day.

And how tender he is to whisper of his love for me wherever I am, no matter what I am doing. . . even in the midst of (homeschooling)."
-"Always There"; Kimberly Henderson; pp. 42-43

This spoke to me on two levels. First, I appreciated the reminder that God is not finished with me yet and He is pleased with my baby steps. Sometimes I get down on myself for still struggling with that same old area of sin. But God is indeed patient and continues to whisper His love to me as I try again the next week or day or minute.

I also translated this to my parenting and teaching. I must remember that my children are in their own unique stages of learning and maturity. They have a full understanding of some things and limited knowledge of other things. Some lessons come easily to them and others will take more time. Their favorite subjects are not necessarily mine. And we may have to correct the same area of sin over and over, because like me, they are in process. If my Heavenly Father can be so patient and loving with me, then I must show the same love and patience with my own children. When I started my first blog, I named it "Love is Patient and Kind" because I felt that it was an area in need of growth in my life. And while I have seen growth, I also am aware that I have not yet arrived. I must continually learn to set aside my frustrations and find delight in the efforts of progress made in my children.

I pray the Lord would continue to help me take delight in my children at each and every stage, regardless of the challenges.


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