Reflections for the New Year

A new year and the time we make those things called resolutions. As a teacher, I was taught that goals need to be measurable. You don't just say, "I want to be a better mom". You need to list what that looks like; such as I'll make eye contact with my kids when they speak to me or I'll sit down and give them my undivided attention for 30 minutes each afternoon. Saying, "I want to grow in my relationship with the Lord" is nice, but how will you do that? Maybe commit to reading the Daily Bible each day or spending 30 minutes in prayer before bed each evening or joining a  Bible study or signing up for a ministry. Resolutions need to lead us to creating habits that we will stick with for the long term.

As I have reflected on this past year, I see areas that I have grown in as well as areas that need improvement. Those areas that need improvement kind of get me down; but I was reminded of Romans 8:1 "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus". And that God's mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). I don't use these verses as excuses, but just a reminder that if I blow it today, I can start again tomorrow. So, here are my reflections for the past year and how they will affect me in the year ahead.

It has not been my season to be in a Bible study. One of the reasons I like being in a study is the accountability to finish my lesson each week. For the 2011-2012 season, our ladies groups went through the book of John with the Harvest study. I downloaded it and began working on it. Instead of finishing it, I've only just recently finished chapter 9. Although I do read my One Year Bible most nights before going to bed, I still desire to have a more regular time for Bible study. I was doing this in the afternoons during our designated quiet time; but since I've let that slide, so has my study time. So, my first goal for this year is to finish my study of John by the end of this school year. This will likely mean a reinstatement of quiet time as I like to use the mornings for exercise and the evenings to be with my hubby. This past Sunday Dennis asked me if I wanted to sign up for the second half of the women's study at church, but I said not now. I will prayerfully consider signing up in the fall for the next one. I also want to get back to daily writing down my gifts. I'll do this first thing after kids are in bed and hubby and I have had devotions.

Dennis and I celebrated our 20th anniversary this year. We have experienced some very hard things these past couple of years and continue to face various struggles related to Dennis cancer, treatment and recovery. Life will never be the same as it was. In many ways we have been drawn closer together and our marriage is stronger than ever before; but we don't have a lot of opportunities to be alone together. My desire this year is to restore what "the locusts have eaten" (Joel 2:25). I'd like to see us get back to regular devotions and prayer time together and find a way to have a date night away from home once a month or so.

Motherhood has challenged me like never before this year and I have experienced the gamut of emotions. Being home with my kids all day, everyday is not easy; but I LOVE IT! This year I desired to be more purposeful in spending relaxed time with the kids; school time does not equal quality time. I feel like I've done pretty well with this, but it's been at the expense of other things like housework. So there is a need to work on balance. As the weather gets warmer, I'd like to move our time together outside as we all need more activity. I would also like to spend one-on-one time with each child at least once a month. I'm also going to be on the look out for books to share with my daughter about becoming a woman (can hardly wait for that time to come!) And I want to teach Josh how to tie shoes because this is a skill we never followed through with.

Teaching my kids is a privilege, but it's not without its struggles. I get to cheer on their success and strengths; but their weaknesses are sometimes disappointing and frustrating. I am much harder on them as a teacher than I ever was with the students in my classroom. I have to be careful that I don't wound their spirits with my correction. I am continually working on being gentle and patient with my words. I am also praying for discernment in regards to how much to plan each day and to be sensitive to their need for a break or to just "call it a day". I definitely have a tendency to push; sometimes to the breaking point for all of us. I have been using a guide to teach your children how to pray, but I need to be more consistent with doing this everyday. I need to work ahead to have our character lesson for the week ready. I have gotten five done so far, so that is a good head start. The kids enjoy writing in their journals, and I have not been good about having topics ready for them. I will make use of some I have and some I have found on the internet. I also am going to be looking for online things they can do during the summer - like typing, math drills, and spelling games - to keep them "thinking" and to occupy their time a bit more.

I love the term "homemaking". I see taking care of our home, first of all, as a way to honor the Lord, but also as a way to create a haven for my family. Making a home for the people I love is important to me. As I said above, I have let some household things slip a bit because I've chosen to spend time with the kids. I have already divided my chores - one task per day Monday through Friday. I need to be better about following through with my "chore of the day". Either I need to do the chores first or else set a time limit for fun in order to allow for chores to be done later. I had been involving the kids in chores at one point. I am thinking that this would be a good thing to do again. It is training for them, help for me, and gives them something to do besides the Wii or computer. Another area to work on is meals. We are continually having to make adjustments to what Dennis can eat, so I need to spend time researching recipes to be able to provide him with meals he can eat without negative effects.

Health and fitness is important. When we eat right and exercise, we are better able to do the tasks that God has given us to do. We began eating better even before Dennis was diagnosed with cancer, but have continued to make improvements since. We take supplements and our blood work has been good with our physicals. I exercise with Wii Fit Plus on the Wii. I like it because there are a variety of activities that are kind of fun, I can do it at home with the kids here, and we can afford it because it's already paid for! I manage 3-5 days a week depending on our schedule. The past couple of weeks has been a time of indulgence for us - eating way too much, staying up late and being very inactive. Come Monday, we are set on returning to better eating, exercising and sleeping habits. I'll prepare better meals, eat healthier snacks, and less sweets. I plan to get back to exercising at least 3 days a week on Wii Fit. As I mentioned earlier, when the weather gets warmer, I'd like to add a morning walk, afternoon trip to the park or even check out the local trails I've heard about from friends with the kids. And I need to get to bed earlier - we'll shoot for 11 p.m. for now (vs. the midnight or 1 a.m. hours I've been keeping).

There are many things I'd like to purse personally; but I find it hard to fit in extra things at this season of my life. I enjoy scrapbooking and would like to finish the album I started two years ago. I like writing and have several blog posts I started and never finished. I would like to improve my photography skills and perhaps sign up for the photo ministry at church. I've wanted to learn how to play the guitar or piano for quite some time. Right now I feel like I "dabble" in a lot of things, but don't really pursue things fully. I'll work on these things as time allows.

I feel like each year has brought a different lesson. I've been taught about contentment and trusting in the Lord's provision for us. God's shown me how to find joy in the midst of all kinds of circumstances, even the tough ones. Love has been a theme as I've had opportunity to practice 1 Corinthians 13 and Philippians 2:3-5. I feel like this will be a year of restoration for us in the area of Dennis' health, our finances, and family relationships. But whatever the Lord has for me this year, I trust that it will be for my good and His glory. Welcome 2013!


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