Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Today was the anniversary of the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision to legalize abortion. It's been on my mind that language plays a big part in the debate over this topic. What I hear from the Pro-Choice side is that, "it's a woman's right to choose what she does with her body." But I wonder if those who say and believe this really stop to think about what it is they are saying a woman has a right to do. I was curious, so I pulled out a medical dictionary. I have an old copy of "The Bantam Medical Dictionary". It's old and I suppose the definitions might have changed, but here's what I found when I looked up some terms:

First of all, abortion is defined as "the expulsion or removal of an embryo or fetus from the womb."

The term pregnancy is defined as "the period during which a woman carries a developing fetus. Pregnancy lasts for approximately 266 days, from conception until the baby is born, and the fetus normally develops in the womb."

An embryo is defined as "an animal at an early stage of development, before birth. In man the term refers to the products of conception within the womb in the first eight weeks of development, during which time all the main organs are formed."

Fetus is defined as, "mammalian embryo during the later stages of development within the womb. In man it refers to the products of conception from the beginning of the third month of pregnancy until birth."

Seeing that "products of conception" came up twice, here's what the definition of conception is: "the start of pregnancy, when a male germ cell (sperm) fertilizes a female germ cell (ovum) in the fallopian tubes.

I looked up the word womb. The dictionary said, "see uterus". Uterus is defined as "the part of the female reproductive tract that is specialized to allow the embryo to become implanted in its inner wall and to nourish the growing fetus from the maternal blood."

So finally, I looked up birth. The dictionary said to "see labor". The definition of labor is "the sequence of actions by which a baby and the afterbirth are expelled from the womb at childbirth."

Do you see what I see? Except when we get to actual delivery (at the end of full-term pregnancy), a child is referred to medically as "a product of conception", an "embryo", or a "fetus". When a child is thought of in medical terms, he/she doesn't seem to exist. He/she is thought of as nothing more than tissue. I really believe that this clinical terminology makes it easier to be in favor of abortion.

I suspect that this is why many women who have had abortions struggle with their decision later, because they realize they didn't just end a "pregnancy"; but they ended their child's life. Thankfully, we have a loving God who is willing to come alongside with grace and forgiveness so they no longer need to carry the burden of this choice.

Many Pro-Life organizations have started clinics where they provide free ultrasounds. The purpose? To show the women that they are indeed carrying a child, not just a bunch of tissue.

As the picture and video link above reveal, a baby develops quite quickly. Very early on, one can see that a child is being formed. Is it any wonder that many women who have had the opportunity to see their babies have changed their minds? I had a personal experience with this change of heart.

Having faced a teen pregnancy and the subsequent adoption of my daughter, I was asked by a neighbor to go speak with a teen girl who was also faced with a pregnancy and wanted to have an abortion. I took along the book "A Child is Born" from one of my child development classes that showed the development of a baby. I showed the girl pictures of what her baby looked like at that moment. She changed her mind about having an abortion.
I suspect this is why many women who have had abortions struggle years later

Psalm 127:3 reads "sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him."

Psalm 139:13-16 in the Bible says, "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

In Matthew 10:29-30 it says, "are not two sparrows sold for a penny. Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the hairs on your head are well numbered."

Human life is to be valued. Children are written of as a gift. God, the Creator, has knit each of us together in our own special way with our own special purpose. He even knows the number of hairs we have on our head. He loves and cares for each of us. How then can we choose to end the life of one of God's gifts and creations?

I fully understand that children can be conceived in difficult circumstances. Women can be young, alone, not ready to take on the responsibility of raising a child or without the means to do so properly. But ending the life of the child is not right. There are many families who are willing and able to raise a child and would love to adopt a child in need of a family.

Adoption has been God's idea from the beginning of Creation. Because God loved us so much, when sin entered the world, He made a way for us to still be a part of His family. Adoption is part of God's plan for everyone. Ephesians 1:4-5 says, "In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will." When a person admits they are a sinner; seeks forgiveness of his/her sins; and asks Jesus to be the Lord of his/her life; he/she can be adopted into the family of God.You can read about my adoption story here.

I do not know if we will ever see the Roe vs. Wade decision overturned. I hope and pray we will. But in the meantime, just because something is legal, it doesn't make it right. Let's stop referring to babies as simply embryos and fetuses and see them for what they are - human beings who deserve the chance to be born and live just like the mother who is carrying them.


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