Ten Questions

 The mind of a person with understanding gets knowledge; the wise person listens to learn more. -Proverbs 18:15

If any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He is generous and enjoys giving to all people, so he will give you wisdom. But when you ask God, you must believe and not doubt. Anyone who doubts is like a wave in the sea, blown up and down by the wind. Such doubters are thinking two different things at the same time, and they cannot decide about anything they do. They should not think they will receive anything from the Lord. -James 1:5-8

There are ten questions you'll want to ask yourself and pray about when you're faced with a decision. The first five are generic. They represent moral issues and godly wisdom that are normative for all times. The next five are questions that you need to ask when facing a change in direction. Let's take a look at what each question entails.

First, have you prayed about it? The Lord's Prayer begins with a petition for His will. Prayer was never intended to be a fourth down punting situation in which we ask God to bail us out of our hasty decisions. It was intended to be a first-down huddle. We aren't supposed to ask God to bless our plans; we are supposed to ask God for His plans.

Second, is it consistent with the Word of God? In our culture ignorance is no excuse since resources abound. I believe every home should have at least a concordance, Bible dictionary, topical Bible, a good commentary and a study Bible with notes.

Third, can I do it and be a positive Christian witness?

Fourth, will the Lord be glorified?. . . Am I seeking the glory of man or glory of God? Am I doing this to be noticed by man or am I seeking to please the Lord?

Fifth, am I acting responsibly? God doesn't bail us out of our irresponsibility. He will let us suffer the consequences of our sins and irresponsible choices. But when we are faithful in little things, he will put us in charge of greater things.

Sixth, is it reasonable? God expects us to think. His guidance may transcend human reasoning, but it never excludes it. God doesn't bypass our mind. . . We are warned in Scripture  not to put our mind in neutral. We are to think and practice what we know to be true. (Philippians 4:8,9)

Seventh, does a realistic opportunity exist? Closed doors are not meant to be knocked down. If you have a hopeless scheme let it go. If it isn't God's timing, wait. If a realistic opportunity exists, and all the other factors are in agreement, then take the plunge.

Eighth, are unbiased, spiritually sensitive associates in agreement? Be careful not to consult only those who will agree with you. Give your advisors permission to ask hard questions. Don't be afraid of no answers. If it isn't God's will, don't you want to know before you make the mistake of acting impulsively?

Ninth, do I have a sanctified desire? Don't think that being in the will of God must always be an unpleasant task. The joy of the Lord should be our strength. . . Is this a desire to satisfy a lust of the flesh, or a Spirit-filled desire to see God's kingdom established and people helped?

Tenth, do I have a peace about it? This is an inner peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but in Christ we have assurance of overcoming the world. Is the peace of God guarding your heart and your mind?

If you have been able to answer yes to all ten deciding factors, what are you waiting for?

-From Walking in the the Light by Neil Anderson; part of The Inspirational Study Bible: New Century Version by Max Lucado


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