Good Friday

Good Friday . . . The day we remember Christ’s willingness to suffer and die for our sins. I took the kids to noon service planning to serve in child care if needed, but was blessed instead with the opportunity to attend the service. I always cringe when being reminded of the suffering Christ endured. It was humiliating, intense, exhausting, excruciating. And we ask ourselves why? Why did He have to go through so much? The answer to that question is . . . Me. I am the reason He experienced all of that. And while it baffles me that my Savior endured that for me, it also humbles me at the same time.

As a parent, I know the love I have for my children would cause me to choose pain for myself over them experiencing it. I have felt physical affects when I’ve seen my children fall and hurt themselves. There is an inner angst, a twisting, a shudder. I experienced it today with my husband. . . A physical response to his pain, withdrawing as he did, cringing, increased heart rate, hardly able to stay in my seat. . .

But as our pastor shared, Christ at any time could have used his authority and power to wipe out all who mocked and mistreated Him and kept Himself from enduring all of it. But He didn’t . . . because He loved us that much. He was able to see past the pain and agony to the final glory . . . Returning to His Father in Heaven and saving man from his sin.

And that is where the “good “ in Good Friday enters in. . . Christ’s suffering for our good. His pain was our eternal gain . . . The chance to have a restored relationship with our heavenly Father. How can we not be drawn to someone who would sacrifice His very life for us?

While life is admittedly difficult for us at this time, It is to the cross I cling because I know that is where my hope is found. As Christ looked ahead to better things, so I will continue to trust Him for a better future.

Thank you Jesus for suffering and dying on the cross for me. Thank you, Father, for raising your Son from the grave and allowing me the opportunity to be your child. Holy Spirit, help me to live in such a way that Christ’s sacrifice may be honored and glorified.

Looking forward to Sunday. . . Because He is risen!. . . He is risen indeed!


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