Home Sweet Home

Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:19
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When we decide to get on the road with Jesus, the joy and peace we feel inside, along with the hope of Heaven should lead us to want to share that Good News with others. We need to share how when we read the Bible, we learn to be more like Jesus; how the Holy Spirit guides us in our daily walk; and how the peace of God keeps us from feeling anxious or afraid. By sharing how Jesus makes a difference in our lives, we are able to lead others to get on the road with Jesus too.

We want to know what is happening in the world around us. We can do this by watching the news on TV, listening to it on the radio or reading the newspaper.

Whether we watch the news on TV or read it in the newspaper, they both require the same things. First, someone has to go out and investigate the event. He or she will ask questions of the official people and eye witnesses to find out what took place.

Then he or she needs to write up the story. If they are a reporter for the news, they will share what they have learned on the TV or radio. If they work for the newspaper, their story will be written up, the newspaper printed and then delivered to your home or bought. Either way, the news is shared with us.

Eyewitnesses are an important part of finding out what happened. They help us to better understand the event that took place.

There were no TV or newspapers during Bible times, so eyewitnesses were very important. During His ministry, Jesus traveled to many different villages. He saw many people in great need. He healed those who were sick, helped lame people walk and made the blind to see. He turned water into wine and fed 5,000 people with just two fish and five loaves of bread. He even raised a few people from the dead. Even more important than these miracles, Jesus was also teaching the people. He talked to them about their sin and their need for a Savior. He shared with them that He had come to take away their sins and that they needed to believe in Him and be saved.

I'm sure those Jesus healed went and told others about what Jesus had done. Those who witnessed the healing or who heard about it would also go and share the news with others. Such amazing news had to be shared.
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There are times when something really neat happens to you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Maybe you get a special gift for your birthday and you can’t wait to tell your friends. Maybe you get an A on a test or were chosen for a part in the school play and you can’t’ wait to tell your mom when you get home. When we have exciting news to tell, we want to share it.

This was just what happened during Jesus’ time. The news was spread about the great things Jesus had done through these eyewitnesses. And because the Good News about Jesus was shared, many came to believe in Him and were saved.

Most people come to know about Jesus because someone told them about Him. They give an eyewitness account about how Jesus came into their heart and changed their life. It is their eyewitness example that leads others to get on the road with Jesus.

We read of two times that Jesus sent His disciples out to be His eyewitnesses. The first time was in Matthew chapter 10. He told the disciples to preach the message that “the kingdom of heaven is near” (Matthew 10:7). In Matthew chapter 28 we read Jesus’ final words to His disciples before He went up to heaven. Jesus told His disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).

God wants all of us to be a part of His news team. The disciples were a big part of Jesus’ team in Bible times.

What would you say about the difference Jesus has made in your life? Maybe you could say, “Since Jesus came into my heart. . . My sadness has been turned to joy; my worry has been turned to trust; my fear has turned to confidence; my anger has turned to love; my bitterness has turned to forgiveness."

The most important thing a person can do is get on the road with Jesus. He is the only way to heaven. He is our example of how to live. He brings us peace and joy. We can’t keep the Good News about what Jesus has done in our lives to ourselves. We need to get out and tell people!
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When others hear our eyewitness accounts, we are sharing the Gospel with them. The Gospel is the Good News about Jesus. Here’s a reminder of what we can share with others. We are all sinners who are separated from God. But because Jesus died on the cross and rose again, we can have the free gift of eternal life. When we ask Jesus to be the Lord of our life, we are forgiven and have the promise of spending all eternity in heaven. And that’s a much better place than Disneyland!

So how about it? Will you be like the disciples, and follow the command of Jesus to go out and share the Good News about what Jesus has done in your life?


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