In Your Anger Do Not Sin

In Genesis 27, we read about the struggle between brothers, Jacob and Esau. Because Jacob stole both Esau's birthright and blessing, Esau became angry and was determined to get even with his brother by killing him.

We see a similar story between brothers, Cain and Abel. Cain's offering was not accepted by God while his brother, Abel's was. God told Cain that he should do well or else sin would become his master. Cain refused to let go of his anger. In his anger, he sinned by killing his brother, Abel. Cain allowed his anger to control him.

In Hebrews 12:14-17 we are admonished to pursue peace. If we choose not to respond the right way in difficult situations, we risk becoming bitter.

Ephesians 4:25-32 shows us how we are to handle anger. We are to lay aside falsehood and speak the truth. We may feel anger, but we are not to sin in our anger. Anger gives the devil an opportunity to influence our life. No unwholesome word should come out of our mouths; only words that are good for edification. We are called to put aside all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander and malice. As followers of Christ we are to be kind, tenderhearted and forgiving to one another. We do this because God in Christ has forgiven us.

In his anger, Esau chose not to pursue forgiveness and peace but to deal with his anger with bitterness and malice. He sinned in his anger.

"We are not to let anger rule our emotions and cause us to sin. We are to put aside all our hard feelings. We are to be kind and forgiving to each other because Jesus Christ has forgiven us for all the mean and ugly things that we have done, even though it cost Him His life. If Jesus can forgive us, then we can forgive each other, too!"

When you turn "over what (a person) did to you to God. . .you will let Him be the Judge. It means that you will no longer hold his offense against him. You will let go of your feelings and set that person free."

"Don't give Satan an opportunity in your life. Let God have your hurt, anger, and bitterness so that you won't end up like Esau - a godless and immoral man."

-Taken from Extreme Adventures with God by Kay Arthur and Janna Arndt; pp. 81-89


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