
Holy living demands constant examination of our actions and motives. But in doing so we must guard against the tendency to focus totally on self, which is easy to do - especially as the culture's egocentric values invade the church. In fact, this self-indulgent character of our times is a major reason the topic of true holiness is so neglected today by Christian teachers, leaders, writers, and speakers. We have, perhaps unconsciously, substituted a secularized self-centered message in its place. For when we speak of "victory" in the Christian life, we all-to-often mean personal victory - how God will conquer sin FOR US (at least those sins we would like to be rid of - those extra ten pounds, that annoying habit, maybe a quick temper). This reflects not only egocentricity but an incorrect view of sin.

. . . The Christian life begins with obedience, depends on obedience, and results in obedience. We can't escape it. The orders from our commander-in-chief are plain: "Whoever has my commandments and obeys them, he is the one who loves me."

Loving God - really loving Him - means living out His commands no matter what the cost.

-From Loving God by Charles Colson; part of The Inspirational Study Bible: New Century Version by Max Lucado

Those who know my commands and obey them are the ones who love me, and my Father will love those who love me. I will love them and will show myself to them." -John 14:21 (NCV)


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